Chapter Eighteen // Siara Lynn Dupont

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I had everything figured out. Bona’s son, Bane, was the main suspect in the case, which everybody seemed to nickname as the ‘massacre murder’. After doing a background check, he seemed to be associated with Lux and I didn’t know how to feel. Did Lux know that the person he was living with was a killer? Or was he involved too? This whole thing was such a huge mess and I hated it. Now that I had a lead and mostly everything figured out, it would be so easy to march into their house an hour from now with a S.W.A.T team behind me and hold them captive. The only problem was something that had been nagging me ever since my conversation with Bona.

I used to trust everybody. 

I remember when I was a bit younger than seven years old, being naive enough to think that my parents were my superheroes and us children were their sidekicks. I always used to be in this fantasy of sorts for years, thinking we will always be together and have each others backs in case of anything. Of course I was only a child, my thoughts were still pure and innocent and I was still oblivious to my surroundings. 

I think there is a point in life where we all live under a false pretense, a false impression that life is all about what person fell in love and got married, the next best movie, the new trend for fall. Irrelevancies similar to those. I didn’t realize it until now but I was living under a false pretense, technically, my whole life. When my father died and when my mother was placed in a psychiatric ward I realized that my parents weren’t superheroes because superheroes don’t kill each other. It was an eyeopener, definitely, but even at ten years old I still held onto a tiny piece of that innocence and projected it into the few people left in my life that I truly cared for. 

Uncle Wilson. Even though he was an alcoholic and was practically never sober, he was the only family member that was still alive and somewhat functioning. To a degree I cared for him, but it was the feeling you would give when you find out that someone who you do not know died. Pity, of course, but no real emotion. It was a terrible comparison but there is no real way to describe the relationship Uncle Wilson and I had. We never spoke because his side of the conversation was just incoherent gibberish, and most of the time I never understood a word of what he said. I’m sure he was a good person, but he was just blinded by the alcohol he couldn’t stop consuming.

Lisa. My loving and caring sister who still had trouble deciding what to do in life. She was a very troubled girl, even though she didn’t want to admit it. I loved her so much. I trusted her with everything because we bonded on a certain level that anybody else would never understand. She was by my side throughout my whole life, and our connection ran deeper because we had the same blood. With Mason trailing along behind us, we were a tightly knitted trio that tended to ourselves and tried to survive with the demons taunting us from the side. I trusted them so much, and I knew in my heart they felt the same way.

Jacob. My endearing partner that I cared for so much. We went through so much together (although not in the way Lisa, Mason, and I did, we were still closer than the average friendship) and solved such complicating cases. If it weren’t for his intelligent thought process and ability to see past the obvious, I don’t think we would have bonded so well together. I trusted him so much and honestly, at this point I don’t think I could live without him. These past few years… I’ve depended on him so much to the point where it was probably unhealthy. He was my rock and held me upright. Without him I would be mush, as pathetic as it sounded. 

Bona. I think Bona and I had this deeper connection than what Uncle Wilson, Lisa, Mason, or Jacob had. He was my second father, in a figurative sense, but with this new set of information he was literally my second father. He was there when Uncle Wilson wasn’t and basically raised us. He was the one that helped me finish high school in a year and into college the next. Lisa and Mason didn’t feel the same way, they wanted the whole ‘high school experience’ which I never really understood. My life was flying by and I wanted to start living. I didn’t want to see them suffer anymore and with my job as a detective I was able to support them while they finished high school and began college. 

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