Chapter Thirteen // Owen Lux Wesley

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[WORD COUNT: 2056]
[TOTAL: 34689]

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When I end people’s lives I usually prefer for the kill to involve as little blood as possible due to the fact that the cleaning aspect of my night was usually the worst. When I murdered German and Pamela, there had been an enormous amount of blood and took at least two bottles of bleach to rub the stains of blood away from the chairs and on the floor. The knives were a easier to clean, since all I needed was water. Before I bleach the blood away, the bodies were usually stripped of their belongings and put in a trash can, where I would proceed to burn it all away so that they wouldn’t be tracked by the police. After that I would butcher the bodies and clean the head, also putting the limbs in the black bag. 

By the time I was done with that, there were three trash bags filled with their belongings were by the door and were already beginning to emit a rotten stench. I burned it in the back yard, thankful for the fact that I was living in the most secluded parts of Manhattan, where civilization wasn’t seen for miles. No one would pass by anyways, since most didn’t know where I lived besides Bona.

As for Reese and Ambrosia, those two girls were fun, to say the least. They screamed more than Sheryl, and Sheryl was one of the loudest screamers I ever had. It was enthralling to have both girls screaming and sobbing for their lives like little children. The more they begged the more power I earned and I adored it.

The only difference between the way Reese and Ambrosia died and the way German and Pamela died was that they died more than once. I stabbed Ambrosia more times than I realized and she ended up dying. Miraculously, I managed to save her and she was awake for a few minutes. The feeling that I got from experiencing that was awe-inspiring since I had the ability to control whether if one lives or not. It was stunning, to say the least, since I knew the human body and it’s limits better than a doctor who earned his master’s degree in whatever field. It amused me, more than anything.

Everybody claimed and insisted that death was something atrocious, something that everybody dreaded to embrace. I never found the reason why. Why would someone ruin their lives just because someone so insignificant on Earth died earlier than they did? Why must they mourn for one soul that they would most likely meet in the afterlife? 

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. People say that the death of a significant other is the worst thing someone could go through, especially if you have intense feelings similar to desire, but I strongly differ and believe something else entirely. The world is the way it is today because society said so. It’s ‘morally logical’ to grieve over the loss of loved ones because society said so. It’s morally wrong to kill because society said so. The color red is red because society said so. It’s ‘morally illogical’ to prance around in your birthday suit in public because society views it as immensely disturbing to the eye. It’s ‘morally wrong’ to love and be in a relationship with the same sex because society said so. What if there wasn’t a ‘society’ to control the secure and vigorous hold it had on Earth and its inhabitants? If it wasn’t for ‘society’ then the rules that everyone so desperately abided by in fear of being judged by others would drift away, like a bird did in time for hibernation. We would all be free to do as we please without being looked down upon by others.

That was what I wanted to happen in the duration of my life on Earth, besides the fact of being known by everybody that they wouldn’t sleep at night. The latter was the benefit out of all of this, but the real reason why I was behind this was to prove a point to everybody; there had to be time throughout history where other opinions didn’t matter of affect who we are and how we act as humans. If it didn’t happen before, then I was sure as hell that it would happen while I was still alive, even if it had to be up to the point where I had to start removing lives every time I blinked.

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