Chapter Twenty-One // Jacob Jobs

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[WORD COUNT: 1296]
[TOTAL: 48807] 


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I thought I would at least know pain, well enough to comfort Lynn. But lately, these days, she just seemed so broken and so fragile that I had an inkling if I even said anything it would trigger something within her and she would break. I wanted to do something, but what could I do when I didn't even know what was wrong with her? We used to be so close, closer than anybody here, and now she has been so distant and far away and it hurts, so so much. But that's the thing in life. The people we care about the most become distant until they are a completely different person. 

I didn't want that to happen with Lynn and I. Hell, I loved her so much that it ached deep inside to see her every time I went to work. But I went anyways, knowing that she would never return the feelings to someone like me, just to see how it was. I don't know when it happened, but I'm glad that it did. I don't think I've ever met someone like Lynn. I don't know when she met Lux, but I hope that she never did.

It's obvious that he is hiding something, but I don't know what it is. I think he is the first person Lynn has ever felt remote feelings to. What does that say about me? The lost puppy that follows her around in hopes of getting her attention, yet it never happens. All Lux had to do was be mysterious and she was hung on him immediately. Why wasn't it me? If she gave me the chance, I would do anything and everything for her to be happy. I would die for her. 

Yet she still didn't want me. I curled my hand to a fist and held it there for a moment, trying to calm myself down. We were so close about a week ago, and ever since her conversation with Bona the night I had dinner with her, she became so distant and I have yet to know why. I know it was about the mutilated bodies that came in, but it didn't explain why she felt so affected by it if she didn't know any of them. And then, a few days later while I feebly tried to give her some space, I saw her run into Bona's office with an expression I had never seen before.

Maybe I should have stopped her. Would things have gone differently? I didn't know. I hated asking what-if questions, they toyed with my mind far too often so I attempted to think differently. She then left his office with such a dead expression, and I was stunned. I never, ever saw something like that cross her face and honestly, it scared me. This... this zombie of sorts was not the woman I fell in love with. I knew I should have stopped her but I didn't and I regret it so much.

Now she is in the hospital and it is all my fault. It's my fault that I didn't stop her when I had the chance, and it's my fault I didn't confess my feelings to her. If I would have done it earlier, done things a little bit differently, maybe she would have developed at least some feeling for me. Definitely not be in the hospital and in a coma, and ultimately not develop any kinds of feelings for Lux. 

I cursed and exited my office, the ache in my chest burning so badly I honestly couldn't take it anymore. I needed to see Lynn. I never really believed in a God as a child, but ever since I joined the police force I had to believe in some sort of higher being to survive. I began praying as I drove to the hospital, hoping with everything in me that she would survive this coma and that she wouldn't die.

No one in the station had a clue as to who beat her up since there were dead ends everywhere. We didn't have a suspect, not even an inkling as to who Lynn might have angered. I thought it was Holland, but he was on probation until his trial, which was occurring in a few weeks. His probation officer would have said something if he did. I thought Bona would know, but he seemed just as grief-stricken as Lynn, if not more, so it was likely that he did not know. They both accurately represented dead zombies and it was terrifying. 

Bona and I weren't as close as he was to Lynn, but we could be classed as acquaintances. An average boss-employee relationship.

Not knowing... it was terrible. It was complete agony, suffrage every second of the day. There was no resting, no being relaxed or even calm. I was always on edge, second-guessing everything. I was living in hell without Lynn. I needed her so badly and it ached.

I sloppily parked into the hospital parking lot and hurried my pace inside. I walked inside and tread towards the woman monitoring the front desk. “Hello, I’m here to see Siara Dupont.”

“May I ask what your name is?” The woman pursed her lips. “I’m afraid visitors aren’t allowed right now. Someone is already visiting her at the moment, and the only other allowed inside is Lisa Dupont, and you aren’t a girl.” 

I frowned, feeling my heart thud with nervousness. Something was wrong. “Who is visiting her right now?”

She began typing on her computer. “Jacob Jobs. Again, may I ask what–”

Panic overwhelmed my sight as I robotically took out my badge and shoved it in her face. “NYPD. Tell me where she is right now. I am Jacob Jobs and you just allowed someone else inside.” I cursed, wondering why the hell this woman would let someone in without identification. 

“I-I,” She stuttered for words and eventually told me where Lynn was. I ran to the elevator, putting my badge away and cocking my gun. As I entered the elevator and pressed the right floor, I had a huge inkling that this was the guy behind everything and he was probably planning to kill Lynn. I didn’t let my mind wander to what might’ve happened if I didn’t arrive in time. The important thing was that I came to the hospital at the right moment. I tried to convince myself.

The elevator ride seemed to take forever but I forced myself to calm down. Eventually the doors opened and I ran towards Lynn’s room, already familiar with the interior of the hospital. I jiggled the door knob and it was locked. I briefly looked around and kicked the door in, cocking my gun and aiming it towards the first figure I saw.

It was a man. He was wearing casual clothing but he had a mask. I knew, instantly, who it was. I recognized the build, the frame, the small black tendrils of hair, and the dark soulless eyes. It was Lux. Before I could even pull the trigger, he was faster than I was and shot me. There was no gun shot, I recognized instantly he had a silencer.

I cursed and felt an immense, throbbing pain. I couldn’t tell what was worse, dying and not knowing if Lynn will survive or if she loved me in return, or letting Lux get away. My vision blurred, and the last thing I saw was Lux’s figure escaping the room. I knew I was probably going to die since he shot me in the chest, but there was nothing I could do. 

I attempted to escape the darkness, but eventually I succombed to it when the pain became unbearable.

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So sorry for the long wait! I promise, updates will be faster and I will finish this book before the deadline for the Wattys. 

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