Chapter 47

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Cally's pov

After Newt and I had cleaned up most of the berries from the ground, we had started to pick the berries from the bushes. Newt was supposed to fill three buckets, but since I had used the first one as ammunition in our berry fight, I had decided to be a decent friend and help him out a little.
     After a few minutes, the sound of sirens filled the air. We both looked up, "Well, better late than never, I guess." I mumbled. We both just continued picking barries until Chuck's voice chirped through our ears again.
     "Cally! Newt! Is that the Greenie alarm? It is, right?"
     I could see Newt roll his eyes, making me laugh. I turned to Chuck, who had come running at us and now was standing beside me. "Yes, Chucky, that's it."
     Chuck's face lightened up, and he grabbed my arm, "Let's go, let's go, let's go!" He chirped as he started to pull me with him, absolutely no trace of patience left in his tiny body.
     "Yes, I'm coming. No need to drag me." I said while getting up from the kneeling position I was in.
     When I got up from the ground, I noticed that Chuck was staring at me, "what happened to you?"
     I looked down at my body. My skin and clothes were still covered in smudges and berry stains, then locked eyes with Newt, "um... collateral damage." I said, making me and Newt both laugh.
     Chuck looked a little confused, but then he shook it off and grabbed my arm again, "Let's go."
     Me, on my turn, grabbed Newt's arm, not feeling like being the only one who got forced to come. "Really?" Newt asked me in a hushed voice.
     I nodded, looking over my shoulder. "If I'm going down, I'm taking you down with me," I whispered back, joking of course. Newt rolled his eyes while trying to hide a smile.
     As we reached the Hole and Chuck became more excited with the minute, I saw Alby standing by the group of Gladers. We locked eyes, and I knew we were thinking of the same thing. This is it. If we open up the hole and it indeed is Thomas who comes out, we've got a problem.
     I could feel the tension grow inside of me as the minutes passed. Part of me hoped I was wrong, that there wasn't anybody named Thomas, and that when the box got opened, it was just another guy. Steve or something.
     "Hey, sister," I heard Ezra's voice from behind me.
     "Hey bro," I answered while turning to him.
     "Are you still going to deny there's something wrong? 'Cause you look more on edge than usual."
     "There's nothing wrong with me." I said, not even trying to mask my annoyance.
     "So, denial it is, hu?" Ez said while crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes and decided to just ignore his comment.
     After some time, I thought I heard someone calling. It were muffled sounds, phage, they were coming out of the box. I walked closer and knelt down to hear it better. Now I could make out words.
     "Someone.... help..... me!"
     Someone help me. Yep, pretty sure that was it. I looked up when Alby tapped me on the shoulder, "we're gonna open it."
     I nodded and took some steps back as Alby and Gally opened the doors. After that, the Gladers started to force themselves forward to be able to see the Greenie as they always did. Followed by a chaos of voices.
     "Look at the Shank."
     "How old is he?"
     "Looks like a klunk in a T-shirt," I glared at Mickey, but before I could comment, Fred already reacted.
     "You're the klunk, Shuck-face." I laughed, making them look at me.
     I still heard all kinds of comments come from the Gladers around me before they lowered a string of ivy to help the Greenie out.
     As Alby and I pulled him out, Alby started talking, "Nice to meet ya, Shank. Welcome to the Glade."
     The boy didn't immediately get up from the ground. He sat there, looking around him. At the Shanks surrounding him, the Glade and the walls.
     "Look at the Greenbean," Gally started, "gonna break his shuck neck checkin' out the new digs."
     Some guys started laughing at his command, but I just rolled my eyes at him, "Ow, shut up, Gally."
     "Where am I?" The Newbie asked.
     "Nowhere good," Alby answered, earning him a glare from me.
     "And I thought I was a pessimist." I commended with a teasing smile.
     Alby ignored me and turned back to the Newbie, "the name's Alby, what's yours?"
     The Greenie looked at him, "Thomas," he said. Alby and I locked eyes the moment the guy said his name, Thomas. It was him, he looked almost the same as what I remembered... God we're in trouble now....
     I broke eye contact with Alby and offered Thomas a hand to help him up, which he accepted. "Thanks," he said, his voice still a bit shaky.
     I shrugged, "No problem, Greenbean. I'm Cally, by the way."
     He looked at me, his eyes going up and down for a moment, I was almost sure he was wondering why I was covered in berry juice. "I'm Thomas."
     I smiled at him, trying not to laugh. "So I heard." He let go of my hand, and almost immediately, I got dizzy. My legs felt weak, and my head started to spin.
     "Ow for fucks sake..." I mumbled as I tied to catch on to something solid, but my hands mist.
     "Hey, are you okay?" I heard Thomas' voice, but before I could answer there was the sensation of falling. I let out a small scream that stopped the moment I felt my body hit the hard, cold metal of the box.
     "Cally!" I heard the voice of Ezra, soon followed by the voices of other Gladers. I rubbed my hand against the back of my head as I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I looked up at the faces of the Gladers who were staring down at me. I tried to focus, but my vision was still a little blurry.
     I could hear some shanks laugh.
     "Are ya okay, Cals?" Newt's voice echoed through the box, but it sounded wrong, hollow.
     I tried again to push myself up again, "yeah, I'm fine!" I called back. "Just a little dizzy."
     "Let's get you out of there," I heard another voice, I think it was Alby, but it could've been Ezra or Gally. I didn't know, I couldn't think straight and my vision was blurry. But I was fully aware of a metal, clicking sound, followed by the box shooting a few feet down.
     "Guys what was that..." I asked, not knowing if I had imagined it, but I hadn't.
     "Guys..." I said again, less than a second later the box started to go down, with me still in it.

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