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I gripped Sam’s hand and my head kicked into over drive. I ran behind them and dashed to the door. It flew closed as soon as I reached it, the boys on my heels. We banged fruitlessly on the door. Then the keening started. I could hear it and so could the boys. They put their hands over their ears and lowered themselves to the ground in pain, but I could understand it. And it was horrible.

“I am the child of heaven. The fairest and the wisest. The most powerful. The bravest. The Angel. I am Lucifer! Where is my bride?” He roared. His voice was both beautiful and horrible. And I was ‘sore’ afraid. I wrapped an arm around both boy’s shoulders and yelled my defiance into the light.

“Sorry, wrong number! The Winchesters can’t come to the phone right now. Go to HELL!” I shouted. A roar resounded around me and the light faded. We were on a plane and an old Loony Tunes devil was talking to Yosemite Sam. I looked around me, Sam was on my right and Dean was by the window. My leather jacket was pulled up to my shoulders, and my wings were gone. But I could feel them. It was like they were hiding under the thin layer of fabric. A pilot’s voice came on over the inter com and said we were right over Ill Chester. We exchanged looks.

“We were just there.” Sam said. Oh. I had no clue where Cas had transported us. CASTIEL! I gasped and looked around, as if expecting him to pop up. When he didn’t I wasn’t surprised but it scared me. Suddenly the plane lurched and breathing masks exploded down around us. “HOLY CRAP!” the guy yelled in shock. Sounds about right. A pair of hands came down around my face with a mask and I grabbed at it. I looked to see Sam fastening his onto his face.

He looked at me and I smiled at him, my eyes crinkling at my brothers. Dean was staring out the window and the white light was pouring in. Dean closed his eyes and whimpered a bit. I grabbed Sam’s hand, who grabbed Dean’s. We all gripped each other tight as our plane went down. We suddenly stabilized and we all relaxed. My hand was numb from how tight Sam and I had been holding each other. I laid my head back and Dean sighed from the window. We landed not long after and were taken off the plane.

A man helped me down and gave me a shock blanket. I thanked him and walked over to the other passengers waiting for Sam and Dean. I felt suddenly calm, like the worst was over for now. The boys ran over to me and we exchanged looks. I smiled at them.

“Shock blankets.” I said patronizingly. We dumped them in a nearby dumpster and ran for it. No luggage, no tickets, not good. We found a used car dealership and the boys hotwired one while I distracted the guy up front. We took off and drove. I don’t think we knew where, but we just drove. We were driving down a back road at midnight when Sam turned on the radio. News about the flight, nuclear warheads, and swine flu came through the radio. Sam changed the channel over and over again, finally turning it off. The car was silent for a minute, the Sam’s guilt kicked in.

“Look, guys-”

“Don’t say anything.” Dean interrupted. “It’s okay. We just gotta keep our heads down and hash this out, alright?”

“Yeah okay.” Sam said. I was glad they had this moment to make up. The big fight had sucked balls for all of us, and I hated it when we fought. Any of us.

“So, first things first, how did we end up on soul plane?” Dean asked. I made an indistinct noise and Sam shook his head.

“Angels? Maybe? Beaming us out of harm’s way?” Sam said haltingly. Beam? Beam, Sam?

“Well, whatever. It’s the least of our worries. We need to find Cas.” Dean said. I froze and tears rose to my eyes, but I pushed them down. Sam looked at me. He was the only one I had told the truth to. I was in love with Castiel.

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