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I was in the tree house, building a puzzle with a mysterious girl. This wasn’t the first time I had dreamed of her. She was a part of my future, but how, I couldn’t say. We finished the puzzle and I looked at it. A wedding chapel. I groaned and headed for the trap door. But there wasn’t one. I turned around. The girl was gone. The windows were gone. The tables, chairs and puzzle were all gone I was in a small dark room, all alone. I was in a white shift and the darkness closed around me. I heard Jo scream. Then Mom. Ellen. Dad. Sam. Dean. Cas. I sat in the dark listening to their screams of pain and horror and cried. I was only five. How was I supposed to handle all of this? I heard silent footsteps and I looked up.          

A small boy in a suit walked up to me. He had black hair and fair skin. He smiled at me and I knew it was Lucifer. He sat beside me and offered me his coat. I curled up tighter and we sat in the silence of the dark. Alone and together.

“I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I just want my Dad to love me again.” Lucifer said in a soft voice. I looked at him. He looked sad and lonely, and in my state, I couldn’t help being stupid. I scooted over to him and placed my head on his shoulder.

“It’ll be alright Luc. Just stop hurting people. God is forgiving. You’ll see.” I said in my toddler voice. Lucifer smiled at me and he placed the coat on my shoulder. We sat beside each other. I could hear a soft voice calling my name. Lucifer looked upset about that, but I couldn’t ignore it. I stood up and looked around. I saw a light coming towards me. It was the light that my future self was always hanging around with. In my madness, I had foresight in some areas, which allowed me to see myself as I would be in some point of the future. I had seen a bride version of me, with real wings flying around a lot over the past year, and now the light was before me. Alone.

It had three parts. One was a darker color, I couldn’t tell you what, and looked slightly evil to me. One was shining so brightly it hurt to be around and made me feel sick. The third was soft and warm looking, like a lamp on the front porch of your home. I reached out to touch it but Lucifer grabbed my hand. When he touched me we both aged until we were about our normal ages, like at the lake house.

 Pulled my hand away from him and saw the darker light of the orb grow darker. I looked at Lucifer. I had a bad feeling. I raised up my arms and a box created itself around me, keeping Lucifer away from me. I was alone in the dark again. I cried harder than before. Everything was so confusing and I couldn’t think. Then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Jo. She was looking down at me and offered me her hand.

“Come on lazy daisy. We need to talk.” She said, just like when we were kids. I took her hand and stood up. We were in the backyard of Mom’s house. “So. Who do you want to marry?” she asked me. I looked at her.

“I’m engaged to Zachariah.” I said, thinking of the harsh bright light. Jo nodded.

“Yeah, but who do you want to marry. You were getting pretty friendly with Lucifer back there.” She said pointedly. I nodded and we made our way to our clubhouse in the back yard. It was basically a shanty shack with a few homey touches. An old rug, some chairs, a cabinet mom hadn’t wanted. We sat down and she pulled out juice boxes and crackers from the cabinet.

“I love Castiel. More than anything. He’s honestly the best thing to ever happen to me. But something about Lucifer…he sort of drags you in. He baits you and when he has a hold, he leaves, makes you miss him and then shows up with gifts. He’s polite and sweet and emotional. Everything the ultimate boyfriend would be. But he’s an angel and can’t be like that. He’s dark, Jo. But a part of me likes that.” I said sipping at my juice. She nodded and bit into a cracker, pointing the other half at me.

“You need to talk to Cas about this. You won’t like it, and it will be hard, but you need to come clean.” She said. I nodded as she finished off the cracker. A horn trumpeted off somewhere in the distance. She sighed. “Time’s up. I love you, sis.” She said. I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

“I’m so sorry, Jo. I tried to get away but Lucifer was too powerful.” I said sobbing. She hugged me and I knew she wasn’t angry.

“It’s not your fault. Just kill that son of a bitch for Mom and I, okay?” She said into my shoulder. I nodded and she smiled.

“Tell Ellen I love her. Tell her I’m sorry!” I shouted as she ran towards a light. Jo waved behind her and she turned into stardust, flying off into the air. I sighed and sat in her chair, crying my eyes out. I heard the voice calling my name again, softer and more urgent, but I didn’t want to listen. There wasn’t any point in this Jo, Ellen, Mom, Ana. All gone. Why did they have to go? I felt a hand on my shoulder again. It was Ana. I jumped up and hugged the red haired angel. She laughed a bit and pulled back.

“Hello, Angela.” She said in her easy voice. I choked on my sobs and she pulled me in closer. “It’s okay, Angela. I have a message for you. And a warning. Zachariah is tricky. He likes mind games. You have to outwit him. Pick your groom carefully. It will change everything. And now the message. ‘Angels are born. Not made.’ Pamela asked me to tell you.” She said. I sighed in sorrow. Mom. She was so smart. Why couldn’t she be here to help me? Ana took my hand. “Castiel does things for a reason. He doesn’t waste a moment. If you ever see him stalling, he’s not. Be careful Angela.” She said. Then she was just gone.

I closed my eyes. I hated this. The pain of seeing everyone. I wanted to be somewhere I couldn’t be bothered. Couldn’t be hurt. I opened my eyes and found my bedroom. It was the one at dad’s house. It was neat and organized, nothing like what I would have wanted and everything that I needed. Order and calm. I sat on my bed and fell back, no wings behind me, no jacket constricting my shoulders. I closed my eyes and thought of how far I had come from last year. Just a hunter with a little bit of psychic abilities. Now I was an angel, engaged, and hurting. My family was absolutely destroyed. And for what? Some demon’s stupid hopes and dreams? Screw that! I sat up in the bed. I stood on the cushions and screamed. I screamed and screamed until I woke myself up.

I sat up with a gasp. I was in a hospital and dad was asleep in his wheelchair in the corner. Zachariah was at the foot of my bed reading my clip board. He grinned at me.

“Comatose for six months. Wow. You really are losing your mind. Ready to get hitched?” He said cheerily. I nodded. He grinned. “Good, now I’ll just-”

“No.” I said forcefully, my voice hoarse and deep from being so unused. “This is a wedding. I want it to happen right. I’ll start planning. I’ll give you the information when it’s done and then you can organize it.” I said. Zach nodded and grinned at me.

“Ask Cas to help plan. I know you know where he is. He’s good at this sort of thing.” Zach said with a grin. He was gone and I sighed. Dad woke up with a jerk.

“Angela!” He said and wheeled over. I smiled at him and he took my hand. “Angel, what happened? You’ve been out for six months.” I nodded.

“I know. I was losing it dad. I needed some time to take control of myself. I’m in control now. Mostly.” I added as sugar plums danced around dad’s hat.

Angelica Marries an AngelWhere stories live. Discover now