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The reception went on for hours. Everyone ate, and talked, no one brought up Sam, or Michel or Gabriel. Castiel and Angelica sat in a place of honor at the head table, with Bobby and Mary on Angela's side and Dean and his family on Cas'. Angels came up to congratulate them and ask for Cas' help in one thing or another. With Michael and Zachariah gone, Cas was the only one who seemed to be in control. He was somehow endowed with some great power from God and was the heir apparent. Then the speeches started.

Dean had a long and embarrassing speech that even the angels could understand, and caused the angels in question to blush violet. Mary gave a small toast to the happy couple, saying that she looked forward to seeing what children they spawned, making Angelica choke on her fourth glass of champagne. Bobby made a short blunt toast in his usual manner which probably offended everyone, but showed just how much he loved his daughter. Then Angela stood up and did the most beautiful speech ever heard, honoring the dead and those who had to die in the tragedy of war, but how hopefully this union would represent a new start.

Bobby and Angela had the first dance, and Dean and Angela had the second. The happy couple finally took to the floor and everyone applauded at them. No one knew that they had cast a small spell so they could actually dance. Neither of them knew how. By midnight, Castiel was properly drunk, again, and Angela was dragging him out to the front of the church. They would be Moving down to Tahiti and Castiel slumped against a plant while Angela threw the bouquet. Dean caught it in surprise, making several angels sigh in a highly erotic way and his girlfriend to clutch him protectively.

I watched, all the while, quietly from the corner. I hadn't even meant to give the sermon. I wasn't supposed to be here. I had given my toast to an angel and he had performed it as Castiel's family representative, and I had watched him butcher my work. Then again, this was a Winchester wedding. The Winchester clan tended to do that to me. By the end of the month the whole clan would have changed their names. Angelica Winchester Barnes Singer, Castiel Winchester Singer, Bobby Winchester Singer, Dean Braeden Winchester, Lisa Braeden Winchester, Ben Braeden Winchester. Wow. I know what you're thinking. Dean doesn't marry Lisa. Ben 'isn't' his son, but let's face it we all know the truth. But since when was there a girl named Angela in my master plan?

She wasn't supposed to be there. Something happened, something that wasn't supposed to happen. A mistake on my part. But it happened and now the story is changed. Changed forever. It's not over though. Oh good me no! It's so far from over. The Winchesters still have work to do. Team Free Will is far from done with it's good work. What, you think I'm lying? Fine. Be skeptical. See if I care. But you just wait. It's coming. The Falling will begin soon.

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