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I snatched the phone off the table and dad lurched in his seat, making him dump into the desk.

“Go for Angela.” I said quickly.

“I have a flat tire. I’m dealing with it, but it’s gonna take a while.” Sam said nervously. I sighed. “Can’t you just come get me and we’ll go together?”

“NO. Lucifer can track me and I am not just handing you over to him like a sob. Now get to the address.” I growled. I hung up and returned to my research. Dad rubbed his eyes.

“You can’t protect them forever, angel.” He said softly. I looked up at him.

“I have to. They’re my brothers. And you’re my father. I will always protect you. I’m your guardian angel, old wolf.” I winked. He snorted and rolled into the kitchen to get a beer. I looked back at my book and felt the beating of wings behind me. I stood up and turned into Cas’ arms. He smelled of fire and ash and he had a small fire alight in his hair. I patted it out quickly and he nodded in thanks, running his hand through his hair.

“I consulted a few contacts. They know nothing, and now they’re dead. Not my doing. Demons are scouring the country for us.” He said heavily. I sighed and hid my face in his shirt. He stroked my back gently as I allowed myself one moment of weakness, of fear. I was worried I was going to lose them. Sam. Dean. Dad. Cas. I was going to lose them to this war, and there was nothing I could do. Then I stopped. I pulled away and leaned over the table, the assortment of holy texts open before me.

“There has to be a way. There just has to.” I said. The pages swam before my eyes and I felt my knees buckle. My vision wen black and I felt a pair of familiar, strong arms catch me. “Always catching me when I fall.” I said sarcastically. He chuckled a bit and lifted me off the floor gently. We moved and he set me down on a bed. I still couldn’t see, but I grabbed for him and snagged his tie. I pulled him close to my face and grinned cheekily. “My thanks, Castiel Angelo.” I said mockingly. He sat down next to me.

“Why do you call me that?” He said in confusion.


“Angelo. That isn’t my surname. I don’t have one.” He said calmly. I laid back on my pile of pillows and grinned in his general direction.

“Angelo. Angel of the Lord. Just sort of fit. Sorry.” I said with a shrug.

“Don’t be. It does sound right.” He said softly. I heard the beat of wings and he was gone. I relaxed and fell into a dreamless sleep. I hadn’t even seen a bed in 3 days. I had been up looking for answers and planning my fucking wedding. I woke up and was confused to find the place stinking of anger and hopelessness. I looked at my clock, and jumped up. I had been asleep for two days! I walked downstairs and saw Dean leaning on the book case with a very upset Sam and Dad at the desk in the study.

“You aren’t my dad.” Dean said viciously I crossed my arms as dad went from pissed to depressed.

“Fuck you, Dean Winchester.” I said loudly. They all jumped as I came in. Cas looked at me and his face was hard. I knew why. Fucking Dean. I grabbed a book and started speed reading, trying to find something. They were squabbling when a wave power hit me. I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes and groaned as Cas grunted in pain. He felt it too. He was gone in a moment and Sam started asking me if I was okay. The power was overwhelming and it was almost nauseating. Then a blast of air sent papers flying as Cas reappeared with a strange boy. He felt like Dean used to. Like a something that shouldn’t exist, but did.

“Help.” Cas said gruffly, dropping the kid on Dad’s cot. He felt so familiar, like I had met him before. He was covered in dirt, and the Boys seemed to know him.

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