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I shifted a bit, looking out the window. I felt funny, like there was something else going on I couldn’t understand. The cuff itched and I scratched at it a bit. The sky was getting darker the longer we drove, and I was getting nervous. We eventually pulled up and I stopped in my tracks. The boys continued. They walked in and stopped in the doorway. Dean looked around for me and saw me waiting by the car. He motioned me over and I walked calmly to his side. We all stepped into the room and I hid behind Sam. Castiel was waiting for us. Sam sat at the table so I hid behind Dean.

“I take it you got our message?” Sam said sarcastically.

“It’s lucky you found the boy.” Cas sad looking at them.

“Oh, yeah. Real lucky. Now what do we do with him?” Dean said migrating across the room and I followed him, trying not to be seen.

“Kill him.” Cas said. We all stopped and looked at him. He didn’t seem to notice me.

“Come again for big fudge.” I said in a high voice. Kill the kid?

“Cas…” Dean said. Castiel shook his head.

“This child is half demon and half human, but it’s far more powerful than either. Other cultures call this cambia, or catechol. You know him as the anti-Christ.” Cas said calmly. I stared at him and looked at Sam. Wasn’t he the ant-Christ that didn’t live up to expectations? Cas sat down and a loud farting noise came from his chair. Dean and I burst into laughter, loud and unstoppable at the look on Cas’ face. “That wasn’t me.” He said pulling a Whoopee cushion from underneath him.

“OH! Who put that there?” Dean laughed and I stifled my giggles. Sam shook his head.

“Anyways, I don’t get it. Jessie’s the Devil’s son?” Sam asked Cas. I cleared my throat.

“No, actually. Lucifer was only recently released so the child is that of another demon. He may however prove to be a vessel of Lucifer and or aid him in his rise to power.” I said in a calm voice, just like Cas. They all stared at me. I shrugged. “Angels know these things. It’s like it comes installed.” I sat between Sam and Cas and listened.

“Angela is right. The Bible gets more wrong than it does right. The anti-Christ isn’t Lucifer’s son, it’s just demon spawn. But it is one of the devil’s greatest weapons in the war against heaven.” Cas elaborated.

“Well Jessie’s a demonic being, what the hell is he doing in Nebraska?” Dean said in exasperation. Cas looked a bit sheepish about the next bit.

“Demons lost him. They can’t find him, but they’re looking.”

“And they lost him because?” Dean asked

“Because of the child’s power. He’s hidden from Heaven and Hell. That’s why I can’t feel him. His power should be overwhelming my psych but it isn’t. He’s hidden.” I explained.

“So, he’s got like a force field around him. That’s great. Problem solved.” Dean said. Cas sat up and shook his head.

“With Lucifer risen, this child grows strong. Soon he will do more than just make a few toys come to life. Something that will draw the demons to him. The demons will find this child. Lucifer will twist this boy to his purpose, and then with a word, this child, will destroy the host of Heaven.” Cas said. I swallowed and looked at my lap, because in my heart of hearts I knew he was right. But it was just a boy.

“Whoa whoa. So you’re saying that Jessie’s gonna nuke the angels?” Dean said slowly. Cas nodded and I blinked back tears.

“We cannot allow that to happen.” Cas said sitting back.

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