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An annoying beeping woke me up. I grabbed my phone.

“Fuck you. Go for Angela.” I growled. It was like 4 in the morning.

“Angela. Something’s wrong with Chuck. We’ll text you the address. Move!” Dean shouted. I jumped out and dragged on my clothes, not bothering to curl my now elbow length hair. It had become a dirty blond and my roots were brown. I geared up and scribbled a note to Dad. I dashed out the door and took out my phone. I read the address and took off. I knew my way around the skies like no one else. My jacket was clutched to my chest, my gear bag dangling from my arm. I flew as fast as I could.

I arrived around noon and landed on the ground with a crash. I looked up and saw Chuck in a tweedy coat looking at me in surprise. I could sense hundreds of excited people inside the building behind him. I saw several Impala’s in the parking lot. I blinked. What the hell? I looked at Chuck, he looked a bit ashamed and confused.

“Chuck, what’s the big emergency?” I asked. He blinked and Sam and Dean ran up.

“We got your text, what’s the life or death situation?” Dean asked. Chuck mouthed wordlessly. Then I sensed her. It was that bitch, Becky.

“SAM! You came!” She said running down to us. She looked like a school girl.

“Becky?” Sam said. Dean and I flinched. Bad move.

“You remember me! You’ve been thinking about me. I haven’t been able to get you off my mind either.” She said looking at him. I cleared my throat and she looked at me. She gasped in fear and jumped behind Sm. “Oh, Sam save me! She keeps trying to kill me.” She wailed dramatically. I glowered at her and searched her recent memories.

“She texted us. She stole his phone and texted us to come. Wow, Becky. Wow.” I said coldly. She shrugged. A man came out and called in Chuck. But he called him Carver. I looked at him in horror. “Oh, Chuck, please tell me you didn’t.” I said in fear. He sighed and headed for the door. Becky smiled and beckoned happily. I sighed. I followed her in and stared in horror around me. A man wearing Dean’s clothes walked past. While Dean and he started talking my eyes flickered around the room. Clowns, scarecrows, hook man, black eyed people, a boy with yellow eyes, ‘Route 666’ mugs, t-shirts and ‘got salt’ shirts. I looked in horror. I rounded on Becky. “Explain!” I said choking on air.

“It’s the first ever Supernatural convention!” She giggled. I face palmed and suddenly a boy dressed like Sam walked up to me.

“Ruby! Good to see you! I’ll be Sam if you’ll be my Ruby?’ he said, wiggling his eyebrows. I hunched up my shoulders and rounded on him. He stepped back a bit and I advanced on him, yelling at him in Latin and Italian as he back peddled across the convention center whimpering slightly. He eventually fell over and was crawling backwards by the time I finished with him. Several people were staring in fear at me. I stood up and spun around stomping back to my group. Becky looked terrified but the boys looked like they were containing their laughter. The man called everyone in to take their seats and we all stood in the back of the room watching. The man with the clip board got up on stage and smiled at us.

“Welcome to the first annual Supernatural Convention!” he said grandly. “At 3:45, in the Magnolia room we have the panel ‘Frightened Little Boy: The Secret Life of Dean’. And at 4:30 there is the homo-erotic subtext of Supernatural.” He said cheerfully. I looked at the boys who were exchanging looks of revulsion. I choked on my own laughter and hung onto Becky for balance. She looked a bit scared but smiled at me. “OH! And of course the big hunt starts at 7 pm sharp.” There was enormous applause for this including Becky. I rolled my eyes. “Right now…Right now I’d like to introduce the man himself.” There was an audible gasp. I rolled my eyes. “The creator, and the writer, of the Supernatural books. The one, the only, CARVER EDLUND!” he shouted.

Chuck was met with glorious applause and promptly stuttered through his introduction. He chugged half a bottle of water before he could even speak.

“So I guess…Questions?” he said awkwardly. Everyone’s hands went up. I rolled my eyes. “Okay, you?” A man stood up in Sam’s coat.

“HEY. Mr. Edlund. Big Fan. Wow. Okay. I was just wondering: where did you come up with Sam and Dean in the first place?” he asked in a shaky voice. Chuck looked at us and I shook my head.

“Oh uh, i-it just came to me.” He shrugged. Everyone raised their hands and he nodded. “Okay, the uh, Hook Man?” he said pointing at the raised hook. A German man, probably gay, stood up.

“Uh, yah. Vhy in every fight scene Sam and Dean are having zer knife or gun knocked avay by ze bad guy? Vy don’t zey keep it on some kind of bungee?” he asked in a heavy accent. I rolled my eyes. Having a great long cord attached to your weapon was the surest way to die. Before Chuck could point this out, gay German started talking “Yah, follow up. Vhy can’t someone, Dean, be telling Sam, Ruby ist evil?” Sam scoffed in disdain. “She ist clearly manipulating Sam in some moral lap. It’s obvious, nein?” he said cockily.

“HEY!” Becky shouted angrily. “If you don’t like the books don’t read ‘em Fritz.” She shouted in a deep, disturbing voice. Chuck put out his hands in a calming gesture.

“Okay, okay, just uh…just sit okay? Next question.” He rushed on. Everyone raised their hands again. Chuck picked a random kid.

“Yeah, at the end of the last book, Dean goes to Hell, so what happens next?” he said. I waved my hands wildly. Chuck looked at me and I pointed at me and smiled. He bit his lip so he didn’t laugh. Sam looked at me and I leaned up to his ear

“Enter sexy side kick.” I whispered. Sam choked on his own laughter and we giggled in the back. Several people looked back, but all they saw was Sam and Ruby LARP-ers.

“Oh, um actually that’s a good question, and brings on an announcement.” Chuck said looking at his feet. I froze. Oh no. I shoved a thought at him. A big red NO and he looked at me. I shook my head. He sighed and looked back at his fans. “You’re all going to find out. Thanks to a wealthy Scandinavian investor, we’re gonna start publishing again.” He said at length. The room exploded in a standing ovation. I shouted angrily over the cheering but no one heard me. I looked to Sam and Dean for help. They shook their heads in bewilderment. This meant I would be joining the story. This meant these googaa’s would be all over Cas. I rubbed my face and sent my best death glare to Chuck. He shrugged as the room continued his applause.

After the panel I was getting a drink from the bar. A Dean Whisky, which was so not whisky. I was chewing out the bartender when Chuck showed up.

“Um, two Yellow Eyed Coolers.” I looked at him. He was oozing nervousness. And romance. I grinned at him.

“Who’s the pretty lady?” I asked. He looked at me and he looked over at Becky. “Oh! Oh no! OH! Really? Her? You couldn’t have gone out with Ruby over there? She’s really nice and hates pleather. She’s a good girl, Chuck.” I said. He had to love Becky? He shook his head and took the coolers. I grabbed his wrist. “I’m heading out. Bye, Chuck.” I said. I left and went behind the building taking off my jacket and heading home. I arrived around 2 o’clock and Dad and I talked about some stuff. I left my phone upstairs and no one called.

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