Ch. 1 "Help Him"

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Chapter 1

"Cassie," my best friend sighs, "because of you we're both going to be late to first period."

"I'm sorry, Em. My dad needed help with Frankie, so I couldn't get ready until after he ate his whole breakfast," I explain and tie my wavy hair into a ponytail.

Emerson let out a long groan, honking at a car that cut us off. She's always so frazzled and worried about school work, but I'm not judging since I'm sort of the same way. However, I like to focus on my journalism instead of the whole calculus thing. My dad isn't always too thrilled with that.

I love my dad, really, I do. But sometimes I don't think he realizes how much stress he puts me under. I get that his work is hard and all, but I want to be someone who only worries about school work. Not someone who works overtime at a diner, takes care of her little brother majority of the time, and just can't find a second to herself or her passion in journaling.

"Cass, you okay? You're spacing out."

I snap out of my thoughts to turn back to Emerson. "Yeah, sorry."

We drive into the school parking lot, finding a random spot near the back. We're seniors, which means we should get first priority parking, but Emerson claims it isn't fair to the underclassmen and parks far away. She's lovely, I promise you.

"I'm going to put my cross country days to use now. Catch you at lunch, Cass." Emerson waved before sprinting through the parking lot with her heavy backpack bouncing up and down.

I laugh in amusement at her frazzled faze, grabbing my bag from the floor of the car. Taking the keys, I lock the doors.

Yes, I have a spare key to Emerson's car. She claims it's necessary for many reasons. Like if I got sick and my dad couldn't pick me up, I could use her car. Or if I was having boy troubles and needed to go home, I could use her car. Honestly, I didn't see where it was necessary, but that's Emerson for you.

I look down at my watch to see that I had five minutes to get in the school, go to my locker, get my books, and make it to class on time. I got this but not really. I start running much like Emerson, only I'm not fast and my backpack is making me run like some kind of monster. Rushing inside, I push the doors open and head up the stairs to get to my locker. I speedily grab everything I needed for AP Chemistry and ran back down the stairs. I wasn't looking and ran straight into a person, making me fall and all my books on top of the person.

He swore under his breath, locking his green eyes with mine. I'm captivated to say the least. This boy was very attractive, and I mean very. He must've been new or something because I think I'd remember a face like that. He had a heartbreaker vibe from the looks of him, with his piercing eyes and hair in that flow style that makes girls swoon.

"Sorry," I apologize quickly, collecting my breath from the fall. It's hard to manage my breathing when I'm lying on top of this model-looking member of the male species.

"Should be sorry," he mutters rudely. "And get the hell off me."

I am shocked by his rude tone and quickly push myself off him. My hands pick up my papers in a frenzied rush immediately after. A part of me had expected this stranger to help, for I wasn't the only person not paying attention.

"Thanks for the help," I mutter under my breath and hold my books closely to my chest in an insecure way.

He rolls his eyes. "Thanks for the bruises I'll surely have tomorrow."

"I-it-that wasn't my fault," I stutter nervously. God, why am I such an awkward person?

"I-I d-don't give a shit," he mimics my stuttering, wearing an annoyed look on his flawless face. "Watch where you're going next time, why don't you?"

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