Ch. 18 "A Guitar Playing Giraffe"

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Chapter 18

"Dude, I'm always Luigi!" Trent cries, staring at Luke in horror.

"Sucks to suck," Luke teases with a condescending smile.

"Too soon," I groan, remembering the 'Cassidy Nelson sucks dick' dilemma.

The four of us are reunited for Luke's return from Cali. He got back today, Sunday, though he wasn't supposed to come back until next Saturday. Apparently he just really missed Kyle, which I found almost too cute to handle.

Kyle and I have also decided that today is the perfect day to tell Luke about us dating. It's the day after, since it's best to tell him as soon as possible. He'd be even more upset if we kept it from him than the actual fact that we're dating.

Kyle and I are cuddling on the couch, half of my back pressed to half of his chest. His arm is wrapped securely around my waist and my hand holds his of the arm around my waist.

It'd be assumed that Luke and Trent would be confused or interested in how cuddly we are, but they're far too busy fighting over characters.

"If I can't be Luigi, then at least pick the cowboys theme," Trent argues childishly.

Luke clicks on the pirates theme before saying, "oops. Guess my thumb slipped or something."

"You're honestly the biggest dick I know," Trent snaps.

"I heard that as 'you honestly have the biggest dick I know' and I'm really flattered," Luke jokes and presses start to our game.

Trent looks about ready to murder Luke, but what's new? I guess that's just how their relationship works. It's actually really amusing to both Kyle and me.

"I've seen your dick, Lucas. It ain't shit," Kyle laughs, earning a pillow to the face.

Well, actually that pillow hit my face.

And because of that, Kyle chucks the pillow back at Luke and decides to yell, "don't you dare hurt my girlfriend!"


"Huh?" Kyle and I say at the same time.

"Did you just-"


"Huh? You called Cassie your-"

"What?" Kyle interrupts again.

"What?" Luke speaks, clearly not getting that Kyle's messing with him.

"Enough," Trent yells to stop the nonsense. "God, you two are imbeciles!"

His attempt to be scary just makes them laugh. I love listening to Kyle's laugh, and I feel like it's some kind of honor every time I hear it. That's special to me.

"Okay, but seriously, why'd you call her your girlfriend?" Luke asks after he's done laughing.

"Well," Kyle starts, "probably because she is."

Luke's eyebrows knit together as he looks at us in confusion. Trent, on the other hand, looks ecstatic. His jaw is dropped and his eyes are lit up in happiness. Luke's just about to say something when Trent cuts him off the scream.

"Yes! I shipped you two from the start!" Trent cries and puts his fist in the air.

I can't help but smile, glad that Trent took the news positively. He usually takes on that big brother role, but I think he likes Kyle too much to care.

"Luke," Kyle says slowly, "why haven't you said anything?"

Luke doesn't respond, he just stares at Kyle and me. It's uncomfortable. That's why I was pleased with my phone when it started blasting. It's Braden, I know from the 'suck my ass' ringtone.

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