Ch. 49 "The Night of Nights"

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Chapter 49

"Pictures! Let's take pictures! Guys, gather around me!" Braden orders, clapping his hands loudly in my ear.

I laugh and grab Derek's hand to take the photos. Emerson and Trent stand next to us, looking as cute as ever.

"Pete, you can't take the picture!" Grace laughs, tugging on her boyfriend's arm. "A girl needs her arm candy."

"Truth," Emerson laughs and rests her head on Trent's shoulder.

I try my best to keep a smile on my face, my stomach feeling sick. The worst part about breaking up with someone that you love is that you don't stop loving them.

I thought that since I was able to pick back up my life without him then I didn't need him.

And I don't need him; I just want him.

"Where's Anthony?" I ask once I realize he's not in the group.

"Should be here soon," Braden says and readjusts his bow tie.

"Who did he even ask?" Grace asks, fixing Peter's hair before the photo is taken.

"I have no idea," Braden says honestly.

Speaking of Braden, he was such a sweetheart and asked our little Clayton. Though Clayton is not gay, it still meant a lot to the kiddo to get to go to senior prom.

Tonight- not including graduation -is one of the most important nights of high school. I've been waiting for this since freshman year, weirdly enough.

I think it's the whole idea of being a princess for one night with your entire class. We all come together almost as if a goodbye dance. I don't know; I just love the idea.

"Took you long enough, Ant!" Braden huffs as Anthony walks through the door.

With Willow.

"Oh my gosh!" I gape. "Anthony!"

He shakes his head, blush on his cheeks. "Don't."

I cover my mouth with my hand to hide my smile, fighting the urge to run over and give them a huge hug.

I finally pieced it all together in my weeks of despair. Yes, I spent my time analyzing the lives of my friends. Sue me.

Anthony had a crush on Willow all this time. Kyle had me convinced it was me, but now that I look at the bigger picture it was obvious. He'd always blush when she'd walk by or he'd stare a little too long.

At Braden's party when Willow said that we'd make a cute couple, he seemed upset about it. Not because I didn't agree with her, but because she didn't think they'd make a cute couple.

But they actually do.

"Hi, Cassie," Willow greets, giving me a hug and then turning to Derek. "Who is this?"

"I'm Derek," he introduces.

"The replacement," I hear Trent mumble under his breath.

I bite my lip, anger sprouting. Trent doesn't understand why I broke up with Kyle. No one does, actually.

But I do. He put me through so much, and I had enough. For two weeks he left me confused on what we were. No calls. No texts.

And then he finally calls me to tell me that he was just high when he sort of kind of almost broke up with me and didn't mean it?

I was done.

"He's so cute," Willow whisper-squeals.

I'm sure Derek heard her since she has no idea how to whisper. Anthony's holding her hand, yet talking to Derek at the same time.

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