Ch. 6 "Aaron's Party"

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Chapter 6

I couldn't stop thinking about what Kyle said yesterday. He just drove off, leaving those words to replay in my mind. Laura noticed how distracted I was at work, but I couldn't explain to her what Kyle had told me.

He wanted to die.

I've decided that he didn't mean it. I'm definitely just in denial though..

But it's Friday, so thank god for that. I only work two hours on Fridays, so I'm free starting at six. Emerson, Braden, and I spend our Fridays pigging out and watching movies the whole night. Quite enjoyable, actually.

"So," Braden muses as we walk down the hallways with our arms linked, "I'm thinking maybe we should switch up movie night tonight."

"What? Like watch a tv show or something?"

"Wow, really switching it up," he says sarcastically. "I meant more like go to this party and before you say no just know that I really, really want to go to this thing."

I sigh, "fine."

Braden's face lights up and he unravels his arm from mine to do an excited clap. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"Yeah," I say unamused. "So, who's party is this anyways?"

We walk towards my locker and my eyes automatically travel to where Kyle's locker is. He's working on his lock, trying to unlock it by himself. I take in his outfit of dark skinny jeans and a red plaid shirt. His wig is just how it was yesterday, shaggy and blonde.

"Damn, Cass, thought you'd be more subtle when checking out the new kid," Braden teases from next to me as we stand in front of my locker.

I ignore him and open up my locker, grabbing all my chemistry books. Sure enough, my cheeks are bright red from getting caught checking out Kyle.

"Answer my question," I order in an annoyed voice.

Braden amusedly laughs and leans against the locker next to mine. "Apparently it's for Clark, but Aaron Parthroff is throwing it."

"What, it's like a welcoming party?" I question and look over at Kyle who slammed his hand on his locker.

"Guess so," Braden says with a shrug. "But Aaron's house is so freaking huge. His parents are gone for the weekend. I'm telling you, it'll be off the hook."

"Off the hook?" I laugh, closing my locker.

"Off the damn hook, Cassidy Nelson!" he yells and catches the attention of a few people, including the one and only Kyle Blackburn.

He gives me a small smile before leaving his locker and walking down the hallway away from us.

I turn back to look at Braden and roll my eyes at his smirk. He raises his eyebrows to ask me to explain, but instead I just walk in the same direction that Kyle went since it's the way to our chemistry lab.

"What time is the party?"

"It's an open house starting at 8," he informs as we step into the chemistry room.

"Open house?"

"Yeah, that's what the flyer said," Braden says with a grin.

"I didn't put up flyers!" I yell, mimicking young Aaron Carter's voice.

"Well somebody did," Braden laughs and takes his seat next to Kyle who was giving us a confused look.

"Don't tell me you don't know Aaron's Party," I gasp, widening my eyes at the celebrity.

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