Ch. 9 "Shot Me Out of the Sky"

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Chapter 9

"Wow," I whisper to myself as Henry Cavill pops onto the screen in his Superman outfit for the hundredth time yet.

"Dammit, Cassie, you've said that every single time he shows up," Luke exasperates. "Can't you focus on anything else?"

No, I can't.

I sigh, "fine. I'll just admire young Superman's eyes then."

Kyle chuckles, earning a glare from Luke. He's taking this Man of Steel movie very serious if I do say so myself.

"You'd think you two would have at least some respect considering he's named after superman!" Luke cries and bangs his head against the beanbag chair he's sitting in.

"Luke, we've seen this movie seven times," Kyle reminds in laughter.

Luke just groans and tries to focus on the movie again. I can't really tell you what's happening since I keep getting distracted by Superman's face.

Kyle has been pretty quiet, though he usually is. It might have something to do with me walking in on him being a normal kid, but who knows. Maybe it has something to do with how he opened up to me. I don't really know with him.

Man of Steel is our second movie of the day. We started with the Green Lantern and then played Mario Parry on Luke's Nintendo 64 for an hour and a half. After that we 'had' to watch Man of Steel because it's 'our thing'. And yes, I'm quoting Luke Hart.

"I'll go get some more popcorn," I say when Luke's hand spazzes around in the bowl, searching for more of the substance.

I push myself up from the beanbag, taking the empty bowl with me. Luke hisses, literally hisses, when I step in front of the tv to get to the bar.

We were in the basement, which is an absolute bachelor pad. There's a bar, a pool table, an air hockey table, a projector tv type thing, and this huge sitting area. All in all, it's pretty sick.

Okay, now I'm sounding like Luke.

When I'm scooping up more popcorn from the popcorn machine, Kyle pops up next to me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Hello," I say, resting the bowl on the counter beside the machine and turning to face him.

"Hey," he speaks absentmindedly. His eyebrows are knit together as he thinks something over in his mind.

"What's wrong?"

He looks down at his feet and tucks his lip behind his teeth. It's incredibly attractive and my mind only focuses on those plump lips of his. Yep, it's definite that my cheeks are beet red.

"Nothing," he finally says after a long silence. "Just wanted to make sure you didn't burn the popcorn."

I hold a hand to my heart, pretending to go along with his whole to-make-sure-you-didn't-burn-the-popcorn-thing. "I would never."

"You definitely wanted to get back at us for beating your butt in Mario Party," he muses with a knowing grin.

"Well, I'll definitely kick your ass in Mario Party 2."

He laughs whole-heartedly, bringing a smile to my face. There's something special about Kyle when he laughs or smiles or shows any real emotion. I don't know what it is, but I feel it in my chest every time.

"Is that a challenge, Cassidy Nelson?" he asks, quirking an eyebrow.

I just shrug, my lips pouting out. "Possibly."

"And you'll possibly regret that later."

"Ah, but only possibly," I muse and lift my pointer finer.

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