Ch. 11 "I Won't Eat Cookies Before Dinner"

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Chapter 11

Kyle asked Willow on that date and she said yes, even though he had been dressing and acting differently. He even sat with Braden, Emerson, and me at lunch today, Friday. But even with the new attitude, Clark Jordan still seems to be Mr. Popular. I'm blaming the chiseled jaw line and flawless skin.

The date is tonight at 7 and it's currently 6:30. This has Kyle freaking out. He won't stop rambling on and on about how he'll mess this up somehow, which might be true. I don't say that to him, of course. Just have to keep him positive.

"She intimidates me," Kyle whines and stomps his foot childishly.

I roll my eyes and work on fixing his tie. We're standing in the kitchen and I'm giving Kyle his final pep talk. He's not very peppy at the moment.

"You're a freaking actor, Kyle!" I whisper-scream. "Play the freaking role and convince that freaking girl that you're Clark freaking Jordan from Idaho."

A smile spreads across Kyle's face as he looks down at me. His hands cup both of my cheeks, sending me into a mental-shock zone.

"Cassidy," he whispers, "you're being freaking adorable."

I blush and advert my eyes from his gaze, embarrassed that I'm so affected by his words. Though, I'm really not the one to blame. The whole week at school Kyle would say things like this and wink and smirk and stand close to me in the halls; they may be small gestures, but they really do add up. I'm just trying to figure out what they mean.

I thought maybe he's this way all the time, flirtatious and whatnot, but to Emerson he's sort of closed-off and shy. Same with Braden, though he actually responds with words to Braden's questions, unlike Emerson's. I think it's because he feels closer to Braden because of chemistry class or something, I don't know.

I've just been really observant of Kyle this week, hoping to figure him out a little bit more each day. Overall, I've learned that he's shy, which means I was right when I made second judgement on him.

"Clark!" Trent's enthusiastic voice booms loudly as he steps into the kitchen.

Kyle drops his hands from my face and we both separate. My face his tinted pink, but Kyle seems to have played it off cooly and goes to shake Trent's hand.

"Sup, T," he greets and they do that little bro hug thing.

Did not realize they were bros...

"T?" I question Kyle's use of Trent's nickname.

"I ran into my boy CJ at the grocery store on Sunday," Trent informs. "And then after that I invited him to the party I was headed to."

"Funny," I muse, "neither of you thought to mention this party." I'm basically glaring at Kyle, for he knows that I don't like him going to parties and possibly getting drunk. I swear, if he got wasted at this party...

"Cass, you should've seen this kid," Trent laughs and wraps his arms around Kyle's shoulders. "Party animal. He got so wasted! You should've seen his dance moves, especially when someone brought out the stripper pole. Brilliant!"

Kyle does one of those 'dude, shut the hell up' looks at Trent, clenching his jaw. Safe to say that he knows I'm pissed.

That's right, Kyle, be afraid.

Trent finally understands what Kyle is wanting to get across and drops his arm from around his shoulders. He flashes me one of his famous smiles and looks back up at Kyle.

"Then we went to church where Kyle was bathed in holy-"

"Get out," I demand and cut off Trent's lie.

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