Ch. 42 "Eagle Scout"

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Chapter 42

"Today is the first day of spring break," Luke speaks just as Kyle and I walk out the front door. "Road trip, bitches!"

I cover my mouth to hold in my laughter. Luke's standing in front of a huge van with his arms on either side of him.

"You were serious about that?" Kyle asks, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Luke challenges and slides his hand on the car with a smile on his face. "C'mon, it's not like you two had anything better planned!"

"We were actually going to visit-"

"Oops, I don't care," he interrupts. "Put your bags in the trunk. We're picking up Trent."

Kyle looks at me with a look that asks if I was okay with all of this. I just laugh and help Luke load the trunk with our bags.

"I didn't even pack for camping," Kyle complains.

"That's why I packed you two camping bags," Luke says and smiles. "Trent and I have been preparing for this day for months."

"It's disturbing," Kyle mumbles.

I laugh and grab onto Kyle's hand, tugging him behind me as we climb into the large van.

"I never took you for a camping kind of guy, Luke," I say, my back leaning into Kyle.

"Oh, I hate it," he chuckles and buckles in.

"Then why would you-"

"Cass," Kyle cuts me off, "it's Luke you're asking."

I shake my head with a smile, glancing at Luke who is singing along to his 5 Seconds of Summer album with no care in the world.

Kyle's phone vibrates and he pulls it out for both of us to see. It's a small gesture, but it proves that he's even more open with me.

"That's weird," he mumbles. "It's from Rory."

"My ex-boyfriend Rory?" I question in disbelief. "First of all, why the heck do you have his number?"

"First of all," Luke mimics me, "he's like the coolest guy ever and is super close to Kyle and me."

I cringe at Luke's open liking of my ex. "When did you guys become friends with Rory?"

"When you were in Greece," Kyle answers. "I didn't really like him at first, but then Luke kept inviting him over and I became civil with him."

"What'd he say?" I ask, wanting him to open up the text.

He sighs and slides his finger to open the text message. "He says, and I quote, 'is Haley okay? She hasn't answered any of my calls. Did you talk to her? And how's Cassie? Is she okay? And how's Trent? And Clayton? Text me back.' And then he added, 'by the way, I won't tell anyone about your secret.'"

Luke turns down the music a little. "Rory knows Haley?"

"I didn't think so," Kyle mumbles. "I remember seeing him at the court though. It was weird. I just thought he came for Clayton."

"Maybe he did," I suggest. "Haley and Clayton were kind of friends and if he knew Clayton then they'd get introduced?"

"Probably," Kyle agrees. "Luke, has Owen talked to you recently?"

"Not since he got a new boyfriend," Luke sighs. "They moved in together already. It just really irks me because I'm his brother and I want to approve who he dates and moving in together is such a-"

"He's an adult, Luke," I remind. "And isn't Haley staying with your parents now anyways?"

Kyle shrugs. "I wouldn't know."

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