Ch. 23 "You Just Ate One Of The Bernstein's"

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Chapter 23

We're making gingerbread houses today. It's the final weekend before winter break, placing us only a little over a week before Christmas. And after Christmas, I go to Greece.

It's Frankie, Trent, Luke, Kyle, and I, the literal squad. Things were going smoothly up to the point when Kyle threw his candy cane at Luke.

"My fucking gum drop fell on the floor!"

"Luke!" I yell and look over at Frankie warily. "Watch it."

"Cassidy, my gum drop," Luke says as if it rationalizes things.

"Lucas, my little brother," I remark, widening my eyes at Frankie as he giggles.

Luke mumbles something under his breath before continuing to ice his house. Even though he's concentrating really hard right now, his house probably looks the worst.

Surprisingly, Kyle's is looking the most professional. It's hard to believe that he hasn't one any gingerbread making challenges on the Food Network. I'm thoroughly impressed. Each detail is nailed down to perfection, something no one else could manage.

"I don't want to brag," Kyle pauses, "but my house actually looks like something Mrs. Claus made."

"And Luke's looks like something drunken Santa made," Trent insults.

Frankie's eyes widen in horror at his words, a small gasp escaping his lips.

"Not that Santa gets drunk," I say pointedly towards Frankie.

"I meant after he's had one too many glasses of eggnog," Trent corrects.

Frankie just nods, going back to his work. I know that he's just being shy because of Luke and Kyle, but Trent thought it would be a good idea since chances are they'll be around for a long time. I guess he should start getting used to their weirdness now.

"Just so you guys know, I have no idea how to ice skate," Kyle says and eats a gummy bear.

"Dammit, man, you just ate one of the Bernstein's!" Luke cries, his face representing one of horror.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Frank here can't even stand up for more than seven seconds," Trent says with his hands placed on Frankie's shoulders.

Frankie squirms out of his grasp, punching Trent's stomach weakly.

"I haven't ever been ice skating," Kyle admits.

"Kyle has aichmophobia," Luke informs us. "He's scared of sharp objects, i.e. ice skates."

It doesn't really surprise me that Kyle's scared of sharp objects. Maybe that's why he pinches himself as a self-harm, rather then cut.

"Funny that you're not afraid of your own jawline," Trent muses with an intent look at Kyle.

"Ha," Kyle speaks, "so funny, T."

I laugh, kissing Kyle's jaw. "You're lucky I don't have aichmophobia."

"Damn right I am," he laughs, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head.

"Excuse me, Trent, why aren't we as cute as they are?"

"Because I don't like you," Trent answers, taking his gingerbread house and putting it on one of the displayed plates.

I do the same and place mine next to his. Frankie hands me his, an excited smile on his face. He loves Christmas, and making gingerbread houses is one of his favorite traditions. I can tell he's a little upset about my dad not being here this year; however, he's been smiling a whole lot from the stupidity of Luke Hart.

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