Ch. 48 "I Need To Hear You Say It"

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Chapter 48

Kyle's POV

"Who the hell is Derek?" I scoff as I'm scrolling though twitter.

Cassie posted a picture with this stupid boy who apparently asked her to stupid prom. He looks stupid. He is stupid.

She's my girl, not his.

"Wow," Luke sighs. "You're actually pissed about her having a date to prom? Look at that smile on her face!"

"It's not me!" I cry, continuing to stalk her twitter. "I should be the one making her smile like that."

"But in reality you're the reason for her tears," Luke says with a disappointed look.

I frown. "Don't look at me like that."

"C'mon, Kyle, you're being a douche. Just text her or call her and beg for her forgiveness," he orders.

"Why couldn't she just go with Braden?" I ask, still looking at that picture of her with stupid Derek.

She looks so effortlessly beautiful. My heart only hurts more when I see that she's wearing the locket I gave her for Valentines Day.

"Listen," Luke sighs, "I don't blame Cassie for going to prom with this Abercrombie model after what you did to her."

I open my mouth to defend myself, but I can't find the words. He's right. I can't even explain why I did what I did.

The guys I was with that night brought some weed and we were being completely stupid. I don't know why I even decided to do it in the first place.

No, no, I do know why. It's because I was in a lot of pain from the long distance relationship and I needed excitement. So, I got drunk, high, and then I crashed a burning low.

The decision to call Cassie and sing that damn song was one of pure stupidity. It was this high, stupid idea. I thought if we're both so unhappy, why not just end it?

After I realized how insanely stupid that was, I was going to call her and take back everything and beg for her forgiveness. I actually had her number dialed in.

But I never called her because of the text I got. It was from Aaron.

He sent me a picture of her at work. She's laughing at something he said or something like that, her eyes crinkled shut in the most adorable way.

As beautiful as she looked, I was pissed that Aaron was there with her. Aaron, of all people.

What really got to me what the text he sent afterwards that read:

Do you see this? I haven't seen her smile since you left. She's been miserable, actually. No friends. Nothing. Until today. She's finally happy. Maybe that has something to do with you. Rumor has it that you broke up with her. Interesting.

I nearly broke my phone right there. It angered me that he felt like he had any right to invade my relationship. But it angered me even more in the realization that she's finally happy.

She's happy because of my questionable breakup that I can't even consider a breakup at this point because nothing was official and I still love her more than life and all I want is for her to be happy.

"She's happy now," I mumble.

I nearly fall out of my seat when Luke randomly whacks me with a fly swatter.

"Don't be an idiot," he says coldly.

I hold my face, which is throbbing from the hit. "Why did you do that? And where did that even come from?"

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