2- Morning Flight

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I felt the wind blow on my face, and raised a hand to keep the beanie on my head. After a few seconds of enjoying the wind in my face, I spread my wings, which could appear on cue. Along with a feathered tail, frill down my back, and soft, fluffy ears, this was why I'd waited for Shiro to leave. This was the secret I struggled to keep.

Flying through the tall buildings, I felt the cool air on my face, and took a deep breath. This was how I could really wake up, not with coffee, but flying through the city. (Coffee still helped, though.) Many of the buildings below me were just now lighting up, and I flew higher to stay out of sight. I did somersaults in the air. The tallest skyscraper sparkled as the sun started coming up. I flew over to it and perched on the roof of the building. The small layer of snow on the building made it shimmer the colors of the sunrise. Yellow, orange, pink, blue, and purple, with hints of red. I sat on the building, watching the sunrise. Some small snowflakes fell from the clouds, but I wasn't cold. In this form, I had enough protection from the cold, along with the hoodie I wore. Now this was a good way to start the day.

Before the sun rose all the way, I flew back to my apartment, making sure to keep out of sight. As I jumped into the window, I transformed back to a human, knocking down more photos and figurines as I landed. (I'm not very good at landing yet.) I picked up what had fallen off my desk. I looked at the Polaroid photos, remembering when I had taken them. A small smile appeared on my face. Those were good times.

I pulled off the red sweatshirt, which had many holes in it from wearing it constantly when I transformed. As I stuffed it back in my closet, I put on a red flannel on top of the T-shirt I wore. I checked the clock. It read 7:28. I slipped on a pair of black converse, and stepped down into the living room. I slung my black messenger bag over my shoulder. Quickly stuffing a piece of pancake(which was cold by now) in my mouth, and pouring a cup of black coffee in a travel mug(so that it wouldn't spill), I left the apartment and ran down the five flights of stairs to the parking lot. There, I got on my red and black motorcycle, and headed on my way to class.

- - -

I sat there during a lecture, sketching crows in my sketchbook. As soon as it ended, I quickly left the building and rode to the nearest Starbucks, which my friend Hunk also happened to work at. He made many of the sweets and food that they served there, and it was by far the best Starbucks because of it. I walked in, and saw Pidge sitting at a table, drinking a Frappuccino and doing something on her computer. Her real name was Katie, but most people called her by her nickname.

"Hey, Pidge," I said, walking over to the table and placing my bag down on a chair. She closed her computer, and looked up at me.

"Hey," she said, "You look tired." I sat down at the table, and took off my beanie.

"Yeah, Shiro made me wake up at six this morning," I replied, resting my chin on my hand. "And then I had an early lecture which was so boring it made me even more tired." I sighed. Pidge looked at me like she was in The Office.

"Yeah, that's so terrible. Do you know how late I stay up, and wake up at the same time? And I'm not tired."

"You know what? I—" I paused.

"Yeah?" Pidge said.

"Nevermind," I said angrily as I stood up and walked towards the back of the Starbucks to order a coffee. I said hi to Hunk as I did so, and soon he handed me a black coffee with a smile drawn on the side of the cup. I started walking back to the table, but was soon interrupted.

"Oh! And Keith, can we hang out at your place after I finish working? We were going to go to Pidge's, but she didn't want us ruining any of her tech stuff," Hunk told me.

"Yeah, that's fine," I said.

"Also, a new friend of mine is going to be joining us. He's a foreign exchange student from Cuba, and is staying at my house while he's here."

"Ok," I replied. I wonder what this friend of Hunk's is like, I thought as I walked back over to the table.

I hope you enjoyed the second chapter! (My writing isn't very good, sorry about that) Btw, the drawing at the top was done by me, and Keith's sweatshirt design was inspired by the drawing from the first chapter (by ikimaru.jpg on Instagram).
(Also, the trailer for HTTYD 3 came out recently! *AAAAHHHH* I'M SO EXCITED!!! It looks amazing! Also for Voltron season 6 coming out on Friday. 🙀😁)

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