12- A New Year's Kiss...

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...and The Start of a Disaster.

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It was New Year's Eve. Shiro and I were going hosting a party tonight, which was starting soon. It was of course Shiro's idea, but I was excited for it. Or maybe just anxious. I heard a knock on the door, and sat up from the couch to answer it. When I opened the door Hunk, Lance, and Pidge were behind it. I greeted them as my friends walked inside. Hunk went to the kitchen to help cook food; and Lance and Pidge sat down on the couch and watched what was already on. I glanced back over to the door, and noticed that someone else was also there. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw them, and my smile disappeared.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Matt, although it sounded more like a statement. He looked uncomfortable, and maybe a bit scared as to what I could do to him.

"Oh, hey, Keith... I just came because, well... because Pidge dragged me here. I understand if I'm not welcome, though..." Matt said, stumbling for words. His hair hid half of his face when he looked at the ground.

"Matt?" Shiro suddenly said before I could answer. I turned around, and my brother had a hurt look on his face. That lasted only a second before his expression turned angry. "Well, you came all the way here. So, you can stay if you want," he said in a bitter tone, then turned around and went back to cooking. Matt looked worried as he cautiously stepped in and sat down on the couch. I glared at him most of the time until the rest of the guests arrived, and the party begun(although there was a tense feeling in the room for a little while). First Romelle, Allura, and Coran arrived; then Lotor, Zethrid, Ezor, and Axca. Soon some college friends of ours arrived, named James, Ryan, Nadia, and Ina. Some friends of Shiro came, including one new co-worker named Adam who Shiro introduced me to. Lastly Hunk's girlfriend Shay arrived, and also two friends of Pidge named Nyma and Rolo. Soon it was almost midnight, and everyone was eagerly waiting for the countdown.

Some people were out on the balcony to see the fireworks when they started. I was looking out over the city until I glanced over and saw Allura, Pidge, and Lance talking in the corner. Allura whispered something to Lance; who preceded to look very surprised. Pidge had her typical "planning something" look on her face. I wonder what they're talking about.

"It's 11:59!" Someone suddenly shouted, and people gathered outside to countdown and see the fireworks. I looked out at the city. My city. I wished I could fly out to a skyscraper right now.

"Hey," I suddenly hear someone say beside me. I jump back, only to see Lance there.

"O-oh, hi," I said, startled. I hear people starting to countdown to midnight in the background. I became aware of this, then thought, Why is Lance here? Doesn't he want to kiss some girl at midnight? The countdown was at three. Two.... one....


Then suddenly I feel Lance's lips against my own. Fireworks exploded in the background, and in my heart. I felt my face redden.

After a few seconds he pulled away.

"Happy New Year, Keith," Lance said sweetly, looking into my eyes. Were his always that blue? Then, as soon as it began, Lance turned on his heel and walked back to Allura, Pidge, and Hunk, leaving me flustered. What was that?! Does he—I almost gasped out loud. Almost. Instead, I looked over at Lance, a blush clearly evident on my face. His back was turned to me, but he was talking, and Allura, Pidge, and Hunk were smiling. Allura must have seen me glancing her way, because she smiled and winked at me. No, no, no, it can't be. Lance must have just gotten dared to do it. Yes, that's it. He /was/ whispering with Allura and Pidge earlier. And they also seemed pretty happy afterwards. That has to be it. Lance hasn't showed any signs of liking me... right? I found myself thinking like this for the rest of the night.

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