15- Secrets Revealed

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Shiro clutched the drawing in his hands.

"Wha- this... this is just a drawing. How does this have to do with what happened to Keith?" He looked up at me, confused.

"I know it's going to be hard to believe, but you have to listen to me. This isn't just a drawing of something Keith made up. It's real. It's of Keith. He... he can turn into the creature he is in the drawing." Shiro's face went paler than it was before. His irises became smaller again like before.

"What?" He said, sounding almost hurt. "No, no, no... that can't be true. I would know a secret that big!" His voice became louder. I swear the whites of his eyes looked a bit yellowish.

"Look, I can't explain how he hid it, but it's true. You have to listen to me, Shiro. He was taken. I found him in a fight with some man, who had a knife. He was like this... he had purple wings, large fluffy ears, and a feathered tail and frill down his back. He had fanged teeth, yellow eyes. But I know it was Keith. The man cut him with a knife, that as coated in some... substance that made Keith fall unconscious. He then took him away. Keith told me that I had to tell you. He also gave me this," I said as I took out the knife Keith had given me. "It was the knife he had on him during the fight. I know it's a lot to take in, but you have to say something, Shiro. We have to help Keith."

Shiro just stood there, shock shown in his face. His hands were shaking a little. He looked down at the drawing, then slowly reached out to grab the knife. His face was turned to it, but his eyes were glossed over as if he was deep in thought.

"Shiro?" Finally he set down the knife. He looked at me, and our eyes met. His eyes were normal now, and showed confidence and caring for his brother.

"Okay. Here's what we're going to do. First, we're going to tell Pidge and Hunk about this since they're worried for Keith, and can help. Then we're going to find all the information we can about this guy— and use that to figure out where he might be keeping Keith."

"Wait— so you believe me?" I said. I hadn't expected him to accept this that easily.

"Yes, of course I do, Lance. I wouldn't expect you to make something like this up, and I've been suspecting Keith was hiding something for a while. Thank you for telling me." He leaned over to hug me. It surprised me, but I hugged back.

"Your welcome," I said. He pulled away from the hug. "Now— how should we tell them?"

There was a loud knock on the apartment door. Pidge and Hunk. Shiro had called them over urgently so we could tell them. I opened the door, holding Keith's knife in my hand.

"So, what did you have to tell us so urgently?" Pidge asked.

"It's about Keith," I told her. Her and Hunk saw the knife in my hand, and their expressions turned worried. I took a nervous breath as they entered the apartment.

"So you're telling us that Keith can transform into some sort of purple alien creature?!" Hunk said. He was freaking out just a little, pacing around the room. "How is this possible?!"

"I think you mean avian. That's what I would call him, at least," Pidge said. She was unexpectedly calm. I looked at her, skeptical. "Well... I mean it makes sense. Remember the time he told us he crashed his motorcycle, but then we found it later parked and without a scratch? Also that same day it was on the news that there was a purple creature in the same area Keith had been? We now know what really happened that day." Hunk rubbed his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but still! This is crazy! Not only is he some sort of flying purple alien, but he's now captured by some strange man out to hunt him? I do not like the sound of this," Hunk said, worried. Shiro put his hand on Hunk's shoulder.

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