22- Can I Tell You That I Love You?

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~Lance's POV~

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Keith took another deep breath. I could see his hands begin to fidget with the zipper on his jacket. The bouquet of flowers he held hit the ground, but I didn't notice. I was too busy staring at Keith, silently hoping that what he needed to tell me was the same thing I had decided only seconds ago that I was going to tell him.

"Lance I—" He began.

"W- Wait, Keith, hold on," I interrupted him, "I'm going first. Just ten seconds ago I decided that I had to talk to you, and now you're here, so..." I trailed off. Keith opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off again.

"I was so worried when you were gone, you know. I got so stressed about the possibility of not seeing you again, and I missed you. A lot." I paused for a moment, then continued.

"What I'm trying to say is, after we got you back I realized that I felt different when I was around you, and missing you so much made me realize what that feeling was. I really like you, Keith. Like, "more than just friends" like you." I stopped before I went too far. I didn't want to say that I loved him, it was too early for that. I wasn't even quite sure if I did. Before, I just thought that I had a crush on Keith, at most. But now that I thought about it... it was true. I think I did love him.

I noticed that I had stopped talking, and Keith was looking at me with an awestruck look on his face. His eyes were wide, his mouth open a bit, and there was a blush deepening on his cheeks. It was cute. I smiled at him.

"Right now might be too early, and I know you might not reciprocate, but I think that in the future I could love you, Keith. Like really love you. I- I love so many things about you. I love how your eyes sparkle when you smile, and the sound of your laugh, although I've only heard it once. I love how sweet you are, and the many layers to you I found after getting through your outer 'edgy guy who hates people.' I've never met anyone like you, especially counting how you can turn into an avian," I laughed a little. "I also love that about you. And as much as I hate to admit it, your awful mullet is really growing on me. It fits you."

My pupils moved from the plant I had looked off to, and met Keith's. His face had turned a bright red, and it seemed like he was trying to figure out what to say. I added one last thing as I lifted my hand and brought a finger up to the bottom of his chin. I leaned forward a bit.  "And I love how your face is as red as strawberries right now."

Keith's amethyst irises glanced down at my hand, and then up at me. He smiled, and his eyes lit up even more than they already had.

"There it is. That sparkle in your eyes," I whispered. He was close enough to me that I didn't have to speak loud enough for anyone else to hear. I felt Keith's hand land on my shoulder, and our faces were mere inches apart.

"Do I even have to say it?"

"Say what?" I said, half-jokingly, and smiling wider than I had been before. Keith leaned in closer. His lips grazed against mine, and he paused, almost hesitant. I smiled lightly and moved my hand to his cheek, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear. The skin on Keith's cheeks was tinted pink, and I could feel his heart beating fast.

I shut my eyes and closed the distance between us.

Time seemed to stop for a moment, both of us just enjoying being this close. I forgot about the rain pouring down on us, the soft pound of thunder in the background. I pulled away after a moment, already missing the feeling of Keith's lips against my own. My hand still touched his cheek, and I brushed my finger over his scar lightly. His purple eyes met mine, filled with a new light that hadn't been there before. That sparkle I was talking about earlier.

"That was...." Keith said finally, fumbling for words, his face red.

"Amazing?" I finished for him. He nodded.

"Wonderful. Unbelievable. Something I've been waiting for for a long time."

I smiled. "Me too," I whispered, kissing him again lightly. I turned him around after pulling away, my hand held out.

"We should probably get inside," I said, tilting my head in the direction of the door. Keith nodded and whispered, "Yeah." He reached out and slid his hand into mine. We walked together around the corner to the door from the porch. The door was glass, so we could see inside, and I almost burst into laughter when I saw Hunk standing in the kitchen as a wide smile appeared on his face when he saw us.

Keith slid open the door and let me walk inside first. We continued holding hands, and turned to meet Hunk set a plate down on the counter. The Samoan boy had a huge smile on his face, and let out an excited squeal at the sight of us.

"Are you two...?" Hunk asked happily. Keith glanced at me, asking the same question. I smiled and nodded slightly.

"Yes," Keith said. He sounded happier than I had ever heard him, and I was elated that I was the one to cause that happiness.

"Aw, guys!" Hunk said, excited, and wrapped the two of us into a hug. After letting go, he gasped. "We have to tell Pidge!"

"Don't worry, I have a feeling she already knows," Keith said, but the phone was already ringing. After Pidge answered Hunk began telling her what happened. Keith and I walked through the kitchen to the front of the house. He opened the front door, sadly telling me that he had to head home. I stopped him in the doorway.

"So, when are you free?" I asked Keith nervously.

"Anytime tomorrow after two," Keith responded.

"Would it be okay if I asked you out?" Keith smiled, then laughed.

"Lance, we just kissed. Of course you can!" He said between chuckles.

"Okay, then," I said, smiling. I picked a red flower from a plant by the door, and put it behind Keith's ear. "Keith Kogane, would you like to go on a date with me?"

Keith chuckled. "Lance, you're so cheesy." He stopped, and blushed. "But I'd love to. Tomorrow at three?"

I nodded. "I'll pick you up at your place."

Keith turned to leave and smiled back at me. "It's a date, then."

I watched him until his red motorcycle disappeared from view, and closed the door, smiling warmly.

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