24- Graduation

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2 years later

~Lance's POV~

Laughter and happy conversation filled the small hallway as our group approached Keith and I's apartment.

Yes, that's right. Keith and I lived together. After Shiro moved in with Adam when they had been dating for a year, I began living with Keith. He needed help paying rent, and I had to move out of Hunk's place because his cousin needed a place to stay. I was really only supposed to stay at Hunk's until I got a place of my own so I had to move out soon anyways. And soon after our first date we decided that we were boyfriends, so it was a simple answer to the apartment problem.

"You have a key right?" I was pulled out of my thoughts when Pidge spoke. Keith and I both looked at each other, causing Pidge to groan loudly and start complaining about how we were both useless.

"Don't worry, I still have my key," Shiro said from behind Pidge, Romelle, Hunk, Keith, and I. He handed Keith his keychain, who unlocked the door.

Our apartment was a bit of a mess, and Shiro immediately commented on that when we entered. After he said that Keith threw his graduation cap at him, which hit him in the face. He burst into laughter.

Soon after that his cap hit him in the face, Adam having thrown it, protecting his boyfriend.

We had just graduated a hour ago('we' being Keith, Hunk, Romelle, and I), and then left to prepare the apartment for the party that was supposed to start in thirty minutes.

There was a knock on the door.

"It's open!" I shouted, too busy admiring my boyfriend dying of laughter to open the door. Coran entered, followed by Allura, who was hauling a large cooler behind her. "What's in the cooler?" I asked, confused.

"Drinks. For your party," Allura said. I was surprised she could carry the thing on her own. It seemed heavy.

"Congratulations, my boy!" Coran said as he hugged me tightly. Over the past year or so, I had somehow become Coran's favorite out of the people in our friend group.

"Thanks, Coran," I managed to say through the bone-crushing hug.

Half an hour later, friends from our college(along with friends who weren't) began arriving at the apartment. I began blasting music from the loudspeakers we recently bought, and the first song was High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco, of course.

Soon more people arrived, and the party really begun. People drank, danced to the music, and celebrated finally being out of college. I might have been the only person who didn't get at least tipsy, as I hated the taste of alcohol. I really only ever drank it if I felt sad.

I was currently chatting with some friends, and felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Hunk and Pidge standing behind me.

"You have to come over here, now," Pidge said. I looked at her, confused and worried that something was wrong.

"Nothing's wrong," Hunk told me, as if reading my mind, "It's just that Keith is drunk and it's the most hilarious thing." I gasped.

"Seriously?! I love drunk Keith!" My two friends led me over to the living room, where most of the people were. I spotted Keith near Allura and Lotor(who was helplessly flirting with her the whole time), along with a lot of people I didn't recognize.

As we approached, I started hearing Keith's voice over the loud music. He was singing along to the song and danced with a group of people. Although, Keith was horrible at dancing. I started laughing when I saw him, he looked so ridiculous. After a few minutes Keith looked in my direction and smiled when he saw me. He walked over, and crashed into me. I held him up as a support.

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