5- Bandages

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I woke up later that day in Hunk's house. It was a fairly small house, a nice row house built out of light red bricks with a pastel yellow door and accents. I remembered Hunk had told me that it was his grandmother's house, and he had lived with her until she passed away. Then he lived there alone; that is until Lance moved in with him.

Pidge had wrapped most of my cuts with bandages, Lance had given me one of his shirts, and then three of them asked me about what happened while I rested. Since I couldn't tell them the truth, I continued with the story that I crashed my motorcycle.

"I didn't even know you drove a motorcycle. That's so cool!" Lance said, a little loudly. "Maybe sometime I could go for a ride?"

I was about to respond but was interrupted by Pidge. "Also, we called Shiro and told him what happened. He said he's coming over as soon as he gets out of work."

"Okay, thanks," I said. The rest of the evening was spent talking and getting too competitive over board games. At around 8, Shiro arrived and after thanking Pidge, Hunk, and Lance, we drove home. The ride was quiet, and I hoped he wasn't angry with me.

".... Shiro? Are you—"

"I was worried about you, Keith," Shiro said. "When I got a call from Lance saying that you were hurt, I was scared you weren't okay."

"Well, I'm fine now..."

"That's not the point! You should have been more careful. How did you even manage to crash your motorcycle?!" I didn't respond for a few seconds. I don't think I'd ever seen Shiro this angry. He'd never yelled at me before.

"Well, I just...wasn't looking where I was going I guess..." I finally said, looking away. Shiro sighed.

"Sorry, Keith. I just... I was worried, ok? I couldn't imagine if something worse had happened to you."

"I know Shiro, you're just looking out for me, but I'm not that young anymore. I'm fine, see?" I said. We pulled into the parking lot near our apartment, and as he parked, Shiro looked over to me. He smiled softly.

"I know you are."

We got out of the car and Shiro helped me up the stairs to our apartment. We ate dinner, and he helped me change my bandages. He was shocked when he saw how deep the cut on my shoulder was, but at least happy I was ok. We chose to watch a movie, and turned on the TV.

Before switching to Netflix, the news showed up on the screen, and Shiro paused. We both turned to see the story, and as I saw it, I gasped. It almost didn't seem real, but at the same time was too real to count as a dream. I wish it was, though. I just stared blankly at the TV screen, the headline played in my head over and over.

"Mysterious Feathered Monster Seen in Fitler Square, Philadelphia."

Hey! I know this chapter is short; I felt it fit best to end here. Also, sorry that it took so long to get this out, I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to write the chapter. Anyways, thanks for reading! Hope you're having a great day! (Or night) 🙃

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