13- Capture

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After Keith left from the café, I also began to walk home. I wasn't going to admit it to anyone; but I was sad that Keith had left in such a hurry. He was acting like he really didn't want to see me— at all.

Suddenly I heard a scream somewhere behind me. I ran back to the café; it came from somewhere around here. I ran down a little beyond the café in the direction I heard the shout. It sounded like someone needed help. As I reached a small park, I began to hear people, and one sounded stressed. Then, I saw the corner of a wing...I think. I wasn't sure what it was, but I rounded the corner to get a full view. I couldn't help but let out a gasp when I saw what was going on.

~Keith's POV~

"Finally, I've found you."

Dr. Zarkon was standing over me. He had an evil smile on his face. The blade in his hand pointed towards me, and my heart was racing. How could I have let him find me?!

"W-who are you?" I manage to say. Of course I knew who he was, but I couldn't let him know that... if he hadn't already recognized me. He smiled again.

"What? You don't recognize me? Well, you can call me Zarkon. Also, your attempt at making me think you don't know me was absolutely terrible. I recognized you from the moment I caught you staring in class, when I'm sure you remembered the little incident you had weeks ago." The light from the buildings caused an eerie glow on Zarkon's face, making him look even more malevolent. I was breathing hard, and couldn't bring myself to respond. I was frozen. This was my worst nightmare; the one thing I had tried to avoid ever since I was 14.

I was pulled out of my state of terror when I heard a gasp behind me, and a name.


My eyes widened. No, no, no... Please no! He can't find out! Not like this! Zarkon and I both looked up at the person. There, his mouth open, his eyes wide, shocked, was Lance.

"What's... what's going on? Are you—" Lance paused when he seemed to be in even more shock than before. He was realizing that I was the monster on the news.

"Leave! This isn't any of your business!" Zarkon shouted at Lance. My eyes were still on Lance when he looked at Zarkon with a face that showed no fear.

"Actually, it is my business." No, no, no! Lance can't be involved in this! It was then and there that I made a decision... I had to protect Lance, at any cost. I just couldn't let him get hurt. I attempted to backup, to get away from Zarkon and also closer to Lance. I moved my wings as if to shield him, but then wretched from the sudden pain. I had forgotten about the knife lodged in my wing. Zarkon saw what I did, and lifted his knife closer.

"Oh, so you know each other? How sweet. You, monster, don't try anything, or he will get hurt." Zarkon pointed the blade at me, then Lance.

"W-why are you doing this?" Lance said. His voice seemed scared, but like he was trying to be brave. Like he wanted to protect me too.

"I'm doing it for the good of the city. Would you want this monster roaming the city freely? It's better for everyone if I take care of the problem."

"No. It wouldn't be better. He's my friend. I can't let you take him." Lance looked at me, and I looked back. Our eyes met. He seemed to be searching for something, like a clue... that what he was seeing was still the friend he knew. He smiled after a moment. A small smile, but still... perfect. His blue eyes showed how much he really cared. I saw that he was going to do whatever it took to try to get us both out of this alive.

But, as much as he wanted to help, he couldn't. Zarkon had a knife, and Lance didn't have a weapon of any sort. Wait. I have a knife! My hand slid across the weapon tied to my belt. It was wrapped in a cloth; partly so that I wouldn't be stabbed, but also partly because of the marking on it. I removed it from my belt, and held it in front of me, then slid it over to Lance quickly.

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