20- Thinking Out Loud

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~ Lance's POV ~

I lay awake, staring at the moonlight coming off the ceiling. My vision focused on a poster on the wall for the band Twenty One Pilots. Next to that was a Polaroid photo of two people I didn't recognize. One was a woman who had long, dark bangs and a purple streak on the underside of her hair. The man next to her had a strong build, and coffee brown hair cut short. I looked down to my side, at my hand brushing through the tips of soft, jet black hair. I guess those people were probably his parents.

My eyes trailed around the room, scanning the countless drawings and posters on the walls. I moved to sit up, careful to not wake the boy sleeping next to me.

From the quiet I suddenly heard a door close, and footsteps leading into the apartment. I heard keys being set down, and something (possibly a jacket) thrown on the floor. After a moment the door to the bedroom opened, and a tired-looking Shiro popped his head inside. His eyes landed on me, and I stared back at him. My heart rate went up rapidly, thinking that Shiro might be angry with me being here. After a moment of a surprised look on his face, though, Keith's brother smiled. He backed out of the room and closed the door quietly.

I wondered why he was happy to see me here, and how come he didn't ask me why I was sleeping next to his brother. I glanced down at Keith, his long bangs having covered most of his face. He had moved closer to me in his sleep, and had wrapped his hand around my arm. This is why I was awake; my heart was just beating too fast and I had too many confused thoughts to be able to fall asleep.

Carefully, I moved out of the bed, trying to not wake Keith. I breathed a sigh of relief when he only flinched, but didn't wake up. I quietly opened the door to the bedroom, and made my way to the apartment's kitchen. I froze when I saw Shiro standing behind the counter, drinking a glass of water.

"Hey," Shiro said calmly when he saw me. I stood across from him, leaning against the counter.

"Hey, Shiro," I started, and paused. "You're not going to ask me why I'm here?"

"Nope. I'm just glad you and Keith are finally getting closer." He smiled, his mouth turning into a smirk. I sighed, fidgeting with my hands nervously.

"Something wrong?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I feel weird."

"How so?"

"I don't know, I guess after everything that happened I've felt strange every time I'm around Keith, and I don't know if it's because my mind is still trying to process it, or if I don't fully accept him or something. And I really don't want it to be the second one," I blabbered.

"Well, it depends what you mean by 'strange.'"

"I feel nervous, sometimes really awkward, and I feel my face heat up even when it's freezing outside. I've caught myself staring everytime he smiles at me, and have a weird feeling in my chest as well. It seems like my mind is spinning when I'm with him. I don't know what's wrong with me, why it's so weird between us." I turned to face Shiro, and noticed his mouth had turned up in a suspicious smirk.

"... What?" I asked him cluelessly.

"Lance, you shouldn't be angry at yourself for feeling like that. It doesn't seem to me like you don't accept Keith, but more like..." Shiro stopped mid-sentence.

"More like what?"

"It seems to me like love."

I froze. Did I... did I like Keith? I had felt this before, but hadn't fallen for anyone for a while, so I guess I forgot what it felt like.

"I think... I think I like Keith," I said, mostly to myself out of realization. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

I hesitated, trying to find the right words. "Should I— what do you think I should do?"

Shiro looked down at me, smiling warmly. "Do what feels right, Lance. I see a bit of myself in you, you know. A few years ago, I felt the same about someone. I told them, and they didn't reciprocate. But if that's what you're worried about, then I say you should tell him. I have a feeling he might feel the same."

"You think so?" I asked. Shiro nodded. "I think I'll tell him, then," I said, smiling.

"Then go for it," Shiro said, then yawned.

"Ah- it's pretty late, huh?" He said tiredly. I noticed dark circles appearing under the older boy's eyes.

"Yeah, I guess so," I responded. "You look tired."

Shiro chuckled. "It's been a long day."

"Goodnight, then, Shiro. Thanks for your advice." I turned back towards Keith's bedroom.

"Oh, and Lance?" Shiro said before I left. He looked at me sincerely. "Don't hurt him."

I smiled softly. "Don't worry, Shiro. I won't."

I walked back into the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind me. Keith was still sound asleep when I crawled under the covers. I moved my hand around his head, brushing his soft hair between my fingers. I lay down facing the other boy, and lifted my hand up to brush a strand of hair out of his face. I slid my thumb lightly over the bandage covering the cut on his cheek.

"Goodnight, Keith," I whispered. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly in a soft smile. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the rhythmic beating of Keith's heart.

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