Chapter 3

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**Jin's POV**

I was left alone at the RV, boredly sitting on the couch. Yoongi and Jimin wanted to relax and explore the woods. Hoseok found a small lake nearby and went to have fun near it. I don't exactly know where Jungkook went. I don't even know when he left. He mysteriously disappeared and hasn't returned yet. I sighed, standing up from the couch. Jungkook knows I'm good with medical things involving both humans and vampires. Yet, he won't let me go anywhere near Taehyung. Now would be a good time for me to actually check on how he's doing. Before, I was just making observations from afar. Jungkook thinks that I want him to die so we can leave. That's not at all what I want. I'm not too worried at the moment, because Malign is searching other countries for us. They don't know we're here, so we are safe for now. I sat in the chair that Jimin used beside Taehyung, scanning his form. It's been a month and a half since this whole thing happened. His wounds haven't healed in the slightest bit. Yet, he isn't showing any signs of decomposition. I pulled some medical gloves over my hands, gently placing one of them on his jaw. I carefully opened his mouth, sadly sighing. He has no fangs yet either. I don't think it's taking longer. I think his body hasn't even taken on the change yet. I removed the gloves from my hands after closing his jaw. I moved away from Taehyung, throwing the gloves in the trash bin. My head whipped towards the door when I heard it click. Someone was returning. 

" Oh my god. What happened to you! " I panicked as I saw Jungkook walk in. His white shirt was drenched in blood to the point where you could only see a little of the original white. The rest of his body had it splattered in various places, including his face and hair. 

" Did you know that when you rip people's heads off, blood flies out like a water fountain? " He said in a creepily calm voice. 

" Jungkook ju- " 

" Or like fireworks. " He interrupted. I sighed loudly, already having an idea of what he's done. 

" Yeah, I know. Now go clean yourself. If Taehyung were to wake up right now, he'd run screaming because you look psychotic. " I said, pushing him towards the shower. Once he was inside the shower, I closed the curtain surrounding it. I heard him start the water as I rinsed the blood that got on my hands from his shirt off. I grabbed a paper bag while putting more gloves on. I stuck a lighter in my pocket, waiting for him to finish showering. After that, I need to have a discussion with him about the effects of his actions. I hung a black towel next to the shower once I heard the water stop. He exited the shower, wrapped in the towel. I saw his clothes on the floor of the tub, crimson leaking off of them and down the drain. I flopped them into the bag, quickly running out of the RV. I reached a large, flat rock, shoving any dirt or pine needles off of its surface. I placed the bag on the rock, the water starting to leak through the paper. I went and grabbed some dry pine and flammable pieces of wood. I also grabbed some larger logs and placed them all next to the rock. I put the pine and wood on top of the bag, lighting the objects on fire. Once the fire was large enough, I put the larger longs on too so it would burn longer. Since the clothes are wet, they might not burn easily. I left, letting the fire burn the clothes. I walked back in the RV to see Jungkook next to Taehyung once again. That's where he has spent most of his time for this past month and a half. 

**Jungkook's POV**

" I'm going to start with news that can be taken good or bad. " Jin said. I hummed, showing him that I was listening.
" I know why Taehyung isn't waking up or healing. " He said, my head instantly snapping to face him. 

" He's not dead. " I stated. 

" Agreed. He's in limbo. " He said as I raised an eyebrow. 

" What do you mean? " I asked.

" His body is fighting with itself. It hasn't accepted the change or rejected it. I think he will wake up quite quickly if his body accepts it. " Jin explained. I sadly nodded, returning my gaze to his face. 

" I just want him back. I don't want unconscious him. I want awake him because that's who I fell in love with. " I mumbled, feeling Jin hug me once again. 

" Are you going to care that he's a vampire? " He asked, hesitantly sitting next to me. 

" Of course not. I know some things are going to change. I'm actually curious what color his eyes will be. " I said, smiling softly. I heard Jin sigh, already knowing what's coming. 

" You know, we need to discuss what you just did. " He said. 

" There's nothing to discuss. " I stated. 

" How many of them did you kill? " He asked, as I turned to face him. 

" All of the ones I smelt on or near my baby. Around thirteen or fourteen? I don't remember. " I said, thinking over the trip I took. I saw Jin place his head in his hands like he was disappointed with my actions. 

" Couldn't you of done this after Taehyung woke up and we had protection? " He said, sighing for the millionth time. 

" Well, no. I wouldn't be here to kill them. We'd be off in some other country. " I said, attempting to justify my actions. 

" I'm not mad that you killed them. Those idiots deserved it. I'm mad that you are now jeopardizing all of us. " He said. 

" What do you mean? " I asked. 

" They thought we were gone. Thanks to you, now they know we are still here and are probably quite angry that you killed fourteen of their members. We can't just leave because Taehyung still isn't in a position to get on an airplane. " He said. At that moment, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin entered the RV. I think they sensed the tense atmosphere because all of them just stood and watched. 

" Oh yeah. One of them was their co-leader. " I said, remembering the face of one of the people I killed. 

" That's even worse! " Jin said. I could tell that he was getting angry. I thought through our options for a moment. 

" They will probably find us by the end of this week. What if Taehyung wakes up by then? " I asked, knowing I had fucked up and was grasping at straws. I don't regret my actions, though. 

" He hasn't even started turning. He's probably going to take longer than a week once he does start. There is no way. " He said. There has to be something we can do. 

" What I'm hearing is, we need to leave by the end of this week. It's Wednesday, that's in three days. Taehyung is still covered in injuries and unconscious. " Yoongi said, invading the conversation. 

" Yes, because Jungkook went on a killing spree and killed thirteen Malign members plus their co-leader. " Jin said, turning away from me. 

" I'm booking plane tickets for Saturday. I'm making the executive decision that we leave to that friend of yours then. If Taehyung isn't awake, we're shoving him in a suitcase and sneaking him on the plane. " Yoongi said, leaving the area before anyone can respond. 

" I'm not shoving him in a suitcase. " I said to the three remaining people. I heard them sigh, probably having no solutions. 

" It looks like our best option is to hope that he's awake by then. " Jin said, zero confidence evident in his tone. I ignored his statement as he followed Yoongi. Jimin made his way over to my side. 

" We'll figure something out. " He said, calmingly rubbing my back. I smiled sadly at my friend, nodding. I know one thing for sure. Whatever happens, I am not leaving Taehyung here. 

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