Chapter 13

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**Jungkook's POV**

I laid on the bed with Taehyung in my arms. I was on my back, his arms wrapped around me and his head on my chest. I watched him open and close his eyes with one of my arms wrapped around his shoulders.

" You know you won't be able to sleep, right? " I said, hearing him sigh. 

" I know. I'm just resting my eyes. " He said, snuggling further into my chest. I kissed the back of his head as he giggled. 

" I'm sorry, darling. I really wanted to wait until you were older. " I said, immediately panicking when I felt him stiffen. 

" Does my age really bother you that much? " He asked in a sad voice. 

" No, no, no. I just want to be able to be affectionate towards you in other places besides here without being afraid of getting arrested. " I rambled. I don't believe that love has an age, but not everyone feels the same way. He nodded his head, making me relax. 

" What will you do if you do get arrested? " He asked with his usual bright voice. 

" Break down the jail cell and leave. " I stated, smiling when he laughed at what I said. 

" Won't they stop you? " He said with a large smile on his face. 

" They can try. " I said. 

" Wouldn't you still be on record? " He asked. 

" Yeah, and I want to see the confused looks on their faces when my DNA says I'm from the late fourteen hundreds. " We both started laughing together and enjoying each others company. However, our peaceful resting was interrupted by Namjoon bursting into the room. 

" Jungkook. " He said, seemingly annoyed. 

" What did I do? " I asked, raising the hand that wasn't around Tae in surrender. 

" I got the most interesting message from Malign today. " He said as my eyes widened. 

" Oh no. " I said as he continued speaking. 

" They gave me an option that would end with both groups on peaceful terms. " He explained. There's a catch. They would never give up that easily. 
" They said they will leave me and my group alone if... " He paused. 

" If what? " Tae asked before I could. 

" If I hand Jungkook over so they can kill him. They know you're with my group. They just don't know where. " I knew they wouldn't give up. They want me dead now instead of trying to get me back. 

" Why would they want to kill Jungkook? Last I checked they were trying to get him to rejoin them. " Taehyung asked. Oh shit. I never told Taehyung about...

" That's the interesting part, Jungkook. They said it's only fair they get to kill you for killing thirteen of their members along with their co-leader. " Namjoon said. I was hoping we wouldn't have to bring this up. 

" And it's only fair I killed those idiots for hurting my baby. " I said, justifying my actions. I saw Namjoon facepalm while shaking his head. 

" Look, I'm not going to betray Seokjin and hand you into them. I've also grown a liking towards you even if you are an obnoxious brat sometimes. However, you need to help me form a solution to this before an all-out war breaks loose. " He said, walking over to us. Taehyung and I had sat up now to pay attention to the conversation. 
" I also want to properly get to know you. I'm Namjoon. " He said, reaching a hand towards Taehyung while smiling. 

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