Chapter 31

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**Jungkook's POV**

Taehyung and I spent the next hour or so cuddling in bed, giggling about the most random of topics. Everything was at peace in this moment. It scared me to think about the impending drama that could be just around the corner with Malign. Jackson was planning to meet up with me again quite soon, and the plan would be put into action. 

" Do you want to go get dressed, baby? " I asked Taehyung. He let out a cute whine and snuggled his head into my chest. 

" Fine. " He mumbled against my skin before he rolled out from under the covers. I smiled to myself as he disappeared inside the closet. I threw on some clothes myself, quickly stretching afterwards. 


" What was that? " Taehyung asked as he burst out of the bathroom, fully dressed. 

" I don't know. " I stated, staring towards the window since that's where the sound came from. All that was out there was the usual scenery of the city. 
Suddenly, Taehyung pulled me to the floor behind the bed, right before there was another crash. 

" Someone is shooting our window. " Taehyung mumbled as we both laid on the floor. Another crash was heard before the building's alarms went off. 

" Jungkoo- " 

" All forces to the main entrance! This is not a drill! The headquarters is being put into lock-down! " Namjoon's voice echoed over the intercom. As soon as that was said, a thick metal covering lowered in front of our window and door. What in the hell is going on?! Taehyung and I sat up on the floor, the bed still covering us. He clung to my side, visibly nervous. 

" What is happening? " He asked me in a soft voice as the alarms continued to ring. Another crash sounded, causing Taehyung to flinch. 

" I'm not sure. Let's stay here and try not to panic. " I said, attempting to present as calm as possible. 

" Enemy forces proceeding to the second floor! Arsonists are among their troops! Fire protection unit to the main entrance! " Namjoon yelled over the intercom. Taehyung was starting to shake now. 

" The building is under attack. " He mumbled. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying my best to calm him. 

" It's okay. " I said in a soft voice. As soon as I said that, the glass outside of the metal covering shattered. The bitches are targeting our room. We could now hear what was going on outside. Gunshots echoed as people repeated banged on the metal covering. 

" Fuck, this stupid metal. " A voice said outside of our window. I gave Taehyung a hand signal to stay quiet, to which he nodded softly. 

" I GIVE YOU THE COMMAND TO USE ALL METHODS NECESSARY. DO NOT LET THE ENEMY PROCEED TO THE TOP FLOOR! " Namjoon said, his voice sounding extremely urgent. They already got to our level that quickly? The building was shaking as sounds of battle could be heard. The humming of a helicopter came close to our window, followed by piercing gunshots. Taehyung was playing with the fabric of my shirt, a nervous habit he has seemed to pick up. I covered Taehyung's ears as the bullet sounds got worse, this time they were piercing through skin.

This continued for another thirty minutes before the sounds of battle began to die down. I uncovered his ears, muttering strings of " it's gonna be alright " and " we're gonna be fine " over and over again. 

Finally, the alarms went off. The dead silence was almost scarier than the gunshots. 

" Stay here. " I said, slowly standing up. I gazed around the room, everything looking too neat for what had just happened. Even with all that banging, they never managed to even dent the metal that covered our window. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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