Chapter 19

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**Jungkook's POV**

I shoved Taehyung behind me as the footsteps got closer, two unknown humans coming into view. 

" I wanted to sneak attack them. I was sure we were out of their scent range. " One of them said. That's when I realized what they were doing. Both of them had night vision goggles hanging around their neck and a belt of weapons designed to kill vampires around their waist. I could tell that Taehyung was scared by the way he was clinging to the back of my shirt. 

" Oh well, by now they've already figured it out. Let's get this done. " The same one said as they both pulled out a weapon. 

" May I ask what the fuck either of us did to you? " I said, keeping a protective stance over Tae. He was shaking slightly by now at the sight of the weapons. 

" Don't take it too harshly. It wasn't you specifically, just your kind. You're all the same anyway. " The one that's been talking this whole time said. I beg to differ with that statement. I am nothing like the idiots who almost killed Tae. 

" I see. So you're just a vindictive cretin. " I spat. I could tell I've royally offended him from the way his face contorted into sheer anger. What I wasn't ready for, was the way he launched himself at me. I was quick to defend myself and shove him back, but he managed to catch himself and regain his posture quicker than I thought. Without warning, a knife lodged itself in my shoulder, causing me to stumble a little bit from the pain. 

However, that small stumble was enough for him to successfully separate me from Taehyung. He ran in between us both, keeping me from returning to his side. Shit, he's a better fighter than I thought. Where did a human learn to fight off a vampire so well? I tried my best to get back to Tae, but this dumbass kept stopping me somehow. It's like he already knew my tactics. 

" BamBam! Get the other one. " He yelled toward the other human. 

" Shit. " I mumbled under my breath, unable to get past this guy. Please Tae, defend yourself instead of just standing there like I feel you would. I could see what was going on as I got knocked over somehow by the one I was fighting. I widened my eyes as the human took this time of weakness to jump on my chest, a wooden stake raised in his right hand. Am I seriously going to die to a spiteful moron when I just got my baby back? Before I could react, I saw the stake coming towards me at a high speed, ready to crash through my bones and into my heart that had stopped working centuries ago. 

However, the pain of being impaled never came as the sound of something falling to the dried leaves of the forest floor followed by a harsh sob raked through the air. I shoved the person who attempted to kill me off, running over to Taehyung's side, forgetting about the knife in my shoulder. The dude who I guessed was called 'BamBam' stood above him with a jaw dropped as Taehyung curled himself into a ball on the ground, crying into his knees. I shoved him out of the way as well, not caring about anything besides the fact that Tae was crying. 

" Please don't hurt me... " I heard him mumble as I pulled him into my arms, not caring about the pain my shoulder was in. 

" It's okay darling. " I said in a soft voice while rubbing circles on his back. The pair of humans were now watching us with a shocked look on both of their faces. Tae threw himself into me, hiding his face in my chest as he cried. I sent a harsh glare towards the two who were now watching, weapons not in hand. 

" Why does everyone want to hurt me? " He asked, his sobs quieting down somewhat. He was now just snuggling into my chest. I kept my glare focused on the two humans. 

" Because they are limp, slimy, dicks. " I stated, hearing a soft giggle from Taehyung. At least he laughed and isn't crying anymore. He pulled his head out of my chest, gazing up at the two who kept the same shocked expression this whole time. 

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