Chapter 22

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**Jungkook's POV**

" Oh my God! It moves! " Taehyung exclaimed from his spot on the carpeted floor. I sat on the edge of the bed, admiring his every move with a smile on my face.

" It's been doing that for days. " I stated as he stared in awe at the lava lamp.

" Well, I didn't look at it until just now. " He said as his eyes followed the slow movement of the fake lava.
" Come get a closer look! " He excitedly said, turning to wave me over. I've never seen someone get so excited over a lava lamp before, but I love it.

" I can see it from here, darling. " I said, even though I scooted closer to the table the lamp was on anyways.
" Do you want to go out today? " I asked, gaining his attention from the lava lamp.

" Can we go at night? Daytime is too difficult. " He said, partially whining and getting up to sit next at me.

" I'm all for that except I don't think there's anywhere open that I'd willingly take you at night. " I said, thinking over my options. There's no way in hell that I'm taking him to a club or bar. The first time was enough.

" I used to go places at night all the time. " He stated.

" I don't think there's a purpose for us to go to a grocery store or restaurant. " I said, chuckling as a small pout formed on his lips. 

" We could just walk around the city and go to a park or something. " He suggested. I'd enjoy anything as long as he was there.

" Mkay. Well, we got a good five or six hours until we can leave. " I stated, leaning back on my hands as they sunk into the soft mattress behind me. I leaned my head back slightly, closing my eyes in an effort to relax.

Suddenly, I heard shuffling noises before a weight plopped down onto my lap. My eyes fluttered open, drifting over the person that was now in front of me. He had his head down, avoiding eye contact while he messed with the fabric of my shirt. I leaned up a bit so my weight wasn't on my hands anymore as Taehyung shifted on my lap. My fingers ran from his jawline down to his chin, lifting his head to look me in the eye. I was met with those beautiful, ruby red eyes that I could get lost in forever. It felt like they were literally shining as he stared at me with a shy gaze.

I leaned in, pressing a gentle, but passionate, kiss to his soft, pink lips. I let my eyes close once again as I felt him respond, sparks igniting in the pit of my stomach. My arms traveled down to his waist, pulling him as close as I possibly could. I really do think that I'm incredibly lucky. To have someone here with me who's so damn beautiful and sweet that loves me. I don't know what about me there is to love, but I know he does. I hope that I've been able to convey that love back to him. He deserves someone that will love and care for him. I truly do, just sometimes I feel that I'm not very good at getting my emotions across.

The kiss began to get more heated, both of us moving with the same energy. Taehyung released soft moans, his hands tugging at the back of my shirt. I swiped my tongue along his bottom lip, feeling them part enough for it to enter. My tongue roamed the inside of his mouth, not leaving a single spot untouched. I rolled the muscle against his, enjoying the sounds he emitted.

I quickly flipped us over so I was now on top, making sure not to break the kiss. One of his hands traveled to my hair, gently tugging on the black strands. I interlocked his other hand with my own, giving it a gentle squeeze. My other hand slid up under his shirt, thuroughly exploring the smooth skin. I pulled away from his lips, only to place soft, butterfly kisses to his neck and jaw. I felt his hand drop from my head as I left marks on his tan skin.

I tried to continue, but the drop in energy and excitement from his side was bothering me. I eventually pulled back, noticing that he was staring off to the side of the room that only contained a blank wall.

" Taehyung. " I said, my worry growing at the lack of response.
" Taehyung, Baby. " I called again, gently shaking the hand that was still intertwined with my own. He finally directed his gaze at me with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking. " He said, quickly breaking the eye contact.

" What were you thinking about? " I asked, my concern still present.

" You. " He mumbled.

" What about me? " I asked, a short pause filling the room.

" I don't want you to die. " He said in a quiet voice. If I didn't have enhanced hearing, I wouldn't of heard him. I gave him a confused look, but I don't know if he saw it.

" What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine. " I said.

" No you're not. " He mumbled once again, but I was still able to hear.

" What? " I am completely lost right now.

" They're still after you. I'm probably worrying more than I should, but seeing that guy almost kill you the other day... " He started rambling this time. I mouth parted slightly in shock.
" I just realized that you aren't invincible. " He said in a voice close to a whisper.

" You shouldn't worry about that, darling. That's my prob- "

" What if I consider your problems mine as well? " He asked, interrupting my sentence. I didn't know how to answer that. I sighed, realizing that I was still hovering over him. I quickly moved, staring at the carpeted floor. An awkward silence filled the atmosphere before Taehyung broke it.
" Jungkook? " He said, a hand sliding onto my shoulder.

" I'm sorry. " I stated.
" I've been trying to avoid acknowledging that situation and the need for a solution. You're right. They will eventually find us. " I ranted, feeling him wrap his arms around my neck from behind as I spoke.

" I didn't mean to make you feel bad about yourself. " He mumbled leaning his chin on my shoulder.

" I should, though. I need to stop procrastinating and actually think of something. Especially since it's affecting you. " I said, placing a hand on his arm.

" Jungkook. " He said in a sudden serious tone.
" I know you try to protect me from everything, but I want to help you. " He said. I know he wants to help, but if he got hurt again becsuse of me I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I still haven't forgave myself for the first time and probably never will.

" I promise I will solve this. Then we can move on and be happy without any of this unnecessary stress. " I said, avoiding what he said previously. I heard him sigh quietly.

" Alright. I'm sorry for spacing out and ruining it. " He said. I was relieved he didn't insist on helping me.

" Don't be sorry. I'm happy you told me how you feel, but please try to do it in a different situation because you're kind of giving me whiplash. " I joked, laughing quietly in hopes to clear the tension.

" What?" He said in a confused voice.

" Like, not even a week ago you were asking me to do stuff with you, then I try and you space out. " I teased. An adorable pout formed on his face as he punched my arm softly.

" You're mean." He said, even though his smile contradicted his words. I laughed, pulling him into a tight hug, glad that this whole awkward situation is over. This made me realize how important it is for me to figure this out. I already have the start of a plan in mind, I just don't know if the people around me will approve of it. However, this idea could very well not work and I'd need to decide on something else. At least it's a start, though.
" You seem deep in thought. " Taehyung said, removing me from the ideas spinning in my brain.

" I was serious when I said I was going to think of a way to solve this. I want this over as soon as possible. " I said, even though I was nervous for my idea. Taehyung hummed in response, cuddling my side. Honestly, what scares me the most is the chance of falling back into old habits.

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