Chapter 10

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**Jungkook's POV**

Sadly, Taehyung didn't wake up as soon as I'd hoped. Weeks passed by and it was now the middle of January. This is around the time I first took him last year. It's been a whole year since he has been with me. I just wish we didn't lose a fourth of the year to him being unconscious. Jin thought he would have woke up within a week of his fangs coming in. It's been two and a half weeks since then and he's still unconscious. Obviously, Jin was wrong. I had organized all his birthday presents in a single area so they would take up less room. Now, I was just back to laying my head on the side of the bed next to him while staring at his face. I always hope that his eyes will just flutter open while I'm watching, but they never do. I sighed, placing my hand on top of his that I had folded across his stomach. I closed my eyes, laying my head on my other arm. 

Suddenly, I felt his hand twitch under my own. 

" Taehyung?! " I said, snapping my head up off my arms. Words could not describe how happy I felt when I heard him make a sound. It was a groan and he sounded displeased, but at least it's something. He tilted his head to the side, pulling his hands away from mine to rub his eyes. I let my emotions take control of me as my head collapsed into my arms on top of his stomach. I began to sob uncontrollably, wetting his shirt in the process. 

" J-jungkook. " He mumbled. I pulled him into my chest as he returned the embrace. I need to stop crying so I can actually talk to him. We stayed in that position until I calmed myself down. 

" Can you look at me? " I asked, refusing to let go of him. He buried his face into my chest while shaking his head no. 

" This room's very bright. " He said, practically whispering. I leaned over without letting him go to turn off the lamp. The room really isn't bright, he's just seeing light differently. 

" Is that better? " I asked, receiving a nod. 

" Why were you crying? " He asked me and I froze. I get the feeling that he doesn't remember what happened. 

" What's the last thing that you remember? " I asked, caressing his cheek with one of my hands. The other one stayed firmly wrapped around him. I smiled as he leaned into my touch, pulling away from my chest with his eyes closed. 

" I was packing to leave and had just finished showering and getting dressed when I randomly passed out. " He said, opening his eyes to look at me. This was the first look I got at his eyes and oh my god. They were incredibly beautiful. I've never seen this shade of red on anybody. They are the closest shade to mine of our group, but they don't look scary or threatening. They look like his irises got replaced with a ruby. His statement confirms that the doesn't remember. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. I think if he remembered what happened to get him into the state he was when I found him, it would be detrimental for his mental state. 

" Well- " I started, not knowing how to bring this up to him. Does he even know that he isn't human anymore? 

" Did you go out in the sun today? " He asked me, staring directly into my eyes with those magnificent ones he's just acquired.  

" No? " I responded, not entirely sure why he's asking that. 

" Oh. Your skin just feels warmer than usual. Not hot but not cold. Just normal. " He said, leaning further into my hand. Now I get it. He doesn't know that he got turned. He doesn't have body heat anymore which makes us feel the same temperature. 

" Do you feel okay? " I asked. How do I tell him what happened without sending him into a downward spiral? 

" I feel fine. What's wrong with you? You seem troubled. " He asked. It's because I'm afraid that you're going to be upset. 

" If I show you something, can you promise you won't hate me? " I asked, grabbing a hold of his hand. 

" What could you of done that would make me hate you? By the way, where are we? I haven't seen this room before. " He said, gazing around the room. I pulled him up off of the bed by his hands, nervously covering his eyes with my own hands. If he sees himself in the mirror and sees his eyes, maybe he'll figure it out on his own. Then I can just explain what lead up to it. I lead him out of the room and to the bathroom, anxiously standing in front of the mirror. With a deep breath, I moved my hands from his eyes to around his waist while hiding my face in his neck. 

" Oh. " He said. That's not a very reassuring reaction. I started to panic, thoughts of him hating me running through my head. He turned around in my arms, facing me as I stared at the ground. 
" Please tell me that you're the one who did it and not some rando. " He said, cupping my face in his hands. 

" It was me. " I mumbled, lifting my head to meet his gaze. 

" Thank god. " He stated.

 " You're not mad? " I asked. 

" I want to know how this happened because I don't remember anything, but not mad. " He said, softly smiling. I took him back to the bedroom to explain everything. 

" The cult took you. That's why you passed out. I went to check on you and you were gone and the window was open. I followed your scent and found you in a little shack in the woods. I turned you because you would have died if I didn't. I took you back while you were unconscious and we hid out in the RV. Eventually, I did something stupid and we had to leave, so we left for the new country and I took you with as well. That's where we are now. You've been unconscious for three and a half months and it is now the middle of January. " I explained, leaving out a lot of details. I'm afraid to give him the details about my murder spree or the condition he was in when I found him. He took a moment to process what I said. 

" Everything's fine now for you? " He asked. He is literally an angel. He's more concerned about me than he is about himself.

" Now that you're awake, I'm fine. " I said, taking his hands into mine again. I laced our fingers together, smiling happily. I panicked when he looked down, seemingly sad. 

" Are you going to stop loving me? " He asked. 

" Of course not. What would make you think that I would? " I said, pulling him into a hug as he snuggled into my chest. 

" You used to say all these things that you loved about me like my brown eyes that are now red and my heartbeat which is now gone. " He explained. 

" I think the red eyes are just as, if not more, beautiful than the brown and I love you just the same. Heartbeat or not. " I said, gently rubbing his back. 

" I love you too. " He mumbled, burying his face into my chest. I smiled as we stayed in that position. I can't even begin to explain how much I've missed this. I felt at ease with him in my arms, awake and able to respond. 
" You smell really good. " He said, the sound muffled by my chest. Jin's going to be pissed that I didn't tell him the moment he woke up. If I told him, everyone would burst in here and ruin my alone time with him. 

" Really? " I asked. 

" Mm. Like pine and vanilla. Can I see the rest of this new house you speak of? " He asked, causing me to laugh. 

" Sure, darling. " I said, entwining one of our hands to lead him downstairs. 

" It's very pretty! " He exclaimed, leaving my side to explore the house. I watched him with a massive smile on my face. This day couldn't have got any better. Nothing better could have happened than him waking up. 

" Look how well designed the kitchen is- ow. " He said as I burst out laughing. He accidentally ran into the wall. 
" Don't laugh! Curse this vampire speed. " He muttered, returning to exploring the kitchen. He came back to where I was standing with a huge smile on his face. I had already been around the house. However, that smile was soon replaced with a frown. He went to talk, but stopped and winced in pain while holding his throat.

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