Chapter 23

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**Jungkook's POV**

Taehyung and I walked hand in hand down the dark, empty street. The only thing illuminating us were the street lamps scattered on the side of the road.

" How far is the park? " He asked me, swinging our hands back and forth.

" It's right ahead, Baby. You should be able to see it. " I said as he lifted his head to gaze down the road. Before us was an empty park, filled with trees and bushes. There was a playground for young kids to enjoy, along with a dog park that people would take their dogs to if it wasn't the middle of the night. There's technically laws against being here this late, but there's a very low chance we will actually get caught. The cops probably wouldn't even bother arresting us for it anyways. They'd probably just tell us to leave.

Taehyung rushed ahead if me towards the swing set, almost falling in the process.

" Jungkook! Come push me!" He yelled excitedly, already sitting on one of the swings.

" I don't think that's a good idea. " I stated, catching up to where he was.

" Why not? " He asked, impatiently waving his feet.

" There's a good chance I'd end up breaking the thing." I said, referring to the swing. I could easily snap the chain if I tried.

" If it breaks we have something else to shove onto Namjoon. Now come push me! " He said, causing me to laugh. I glanced over at the four guards that stayed at the outskirts of the park, watching us from afar. I asked them to keep their distance so I could actually spend time with Taehyung without being crowded.

I walked behind Taehyung, deciding to push him anyway.

" Try not to fall off. I don't want you to get hurt. " I said, softly placing my hands on his back.

" I saw your arm twist the wrong direction from the bear the other day. I think I'll be fine. " He said. Where'd he get this sassy side from?

" Just because you'll live and heal doesn't mean the pain is gone. " I said. He nodded, starting to bounce excitedly in the swing. I started out with a soft push as the swing went forward a little bit before coming back. I pushed it slightly harder, trying not to overdo it. There's times where I can easily use more strength then I mean to.

" Go higher! " He yelled, giggling along the way. At least he's enjoying himself. I sighed, pushing the swing just a bit higher, so it went as high as it could without flipping.
" I'm going to jump off! " He said, moving his hands to a different position on the chains.

" Wait, Taehyung- " I started, but it was already too late when an empty swing came back to me.  I looked up to see him flying in the air before colliding with the ground and rolling in the cold sand. I quickly ran over to him, relaxing when I heard that he was still laughing. He sprung up from the ground, practically jumping on me and wrapping his arms around my neck.

" That was so fun! Did you see that? I was literally flying! " He exclaimed, full of energy.

" Mm. What I also saw was you go tumbling to the ground. " I stated. A small pout formed on his face.

" I told you to stop trying to protect me so much. Im perfectly fine. " He whined, showing me his uninjured arms. The most he had was tiny particles of sand sticking to his skin. I sighed.

" I'm sorry, darling. I just get so scared of you getting hurt again. " I said.

" Are you still blaming yourself for what happened before we came here? " He asked, switching from being excited to serious.

Blood Lust Affinity (Sequel ) - Taekook/VkookWhere stories live. Discover now