Chapter 8

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**Jungkook's POV**

Another month had passed while Taehyung still lay unconscious. No one could give an approximate time for him to wake up because he still lacked some of the changes, fangs being the most important. However, we know progress has been made. His facial features sharpened and he looks more his age now. I haven't left his side the whole time we've been here, despite everyone's wishes. Everyone has tried to get me to leave, but no one succeeded. We were getting closer and closer to his birthday. I didn't feel like going outside and being met with the cold, mid-December air. However, no one respected my wishes. 

I sat on the floor next to the bed Taehyung was on as the door behind me creaked open. Jin entered, probably to make an attempt at convincing me to leave. I was terrified that Taehyung would wake up the moment I left. It hurts me to imagine how he'd react. Scared and alone in a new place. 

" Jungkook. " Jin said, a soft hand resting on my shoulder. I ignored his gesture, keeping my eyes on Taehyung's sleeping face. 
" We're going hunting in the nearby woods. Want to come? " He asked in a kind voice. 

" Not hungry. " I stated.

" Oh really? " He said. The tone in his voice showed that he was planning something. I knew I was practically starving myself, but I didn't want to tell him that. I needed an excuse to stay here. 
" So, you don't like the idea of warm, thick blood running down your throat and soothing the ache you probably feel from not eating for a month? " He said. I refused to look at him, subconsciously gripping the bed sheets in front of me. 

" Jin, sto- " I tried to say, but was suddenly met with a very enticing smell. The scent got closer and closer as I tried not to look at it. It arrived right under my nose. Suddenly, the scent moved away and I let my head follow it without realizing until I was facing Jin. 

" Not hungry my ass. Your eyes are literally glowing. " He said, holding a cloth that was soaked with blood.

" I don't- " I began to mumble, but he interrupted me. I tried to turn away when he moved the cloth closer again but it just followed me. I ended up losing my self-control and followed the scent unwillingly. 

" Imagine the sweet taste as it trickles onto your tongue. " He said. I gulped to myself, following the scent until I felt cold air whip me in the face. My brain wasn't processing things correctly at the moment. 

" Sorry, Jungkook. " He said as I looked up confused. A sudden push came to my chest and I fell backward into a car. 

" Hey! " I yelled, attempting to jump out of the car door, but was held back by two sets of arms. The car door slammed in front of me as I wiggled violently in their hold. I heard Jimin giggling from behind me and that's when I realized what's happening. 

" Good job, Jin. You managed to lure him out. " I heard Namjoon's voice say. I looked behind me to see that the people restraining me were Yoongi and Jimin. Namjoon was in the driver's seat while Jin was in the passenger's. Yoongi and Jimin were still holding onto me while Hoseok sat on the other side of them. The car's engine started and we began moving, leaving the house and my baby alone inside of it. 

" Let me go! I want to go back. " I said, thrashing around again as Yoongi and Jimin's hold tightened. 

" That's too bad because we decided you're going hunting with us. " Yoongi bluntly said. I'm stronger than most vampires are for some reason, but they still managed to restrain me. It's probably because I weaken when I don't eat like that. Wounds heal slower and I lose strength. 

" Who said you could snatch me? " I grumbled, deciding to stop fighting against Yoongi and Jimin. 

" It was a unanimous decision. " Namjoon stated. 

" I don't think it was unanimous if it didn't include me. " I argued. 

" I asked you not to lock yourself in there and you agreed, therefore it was unanimous. " He responded. 

" What kind of logic- " I started, but was interrupted by Jin. 

" Could you guys stop bickering. Jungkook, you're going hunting with us and you will enjoy it or else. " Jin threatened. I rolled my eyes, going silent because Jin is serious when he's mad. 

" How is everyone? " Hoseok asked. 

" I was good until you guys decided to forcefully remove me from Taehyung's side. " I muttered. I knew they would be able to hear but honestly didn't care. We left the city, driving onto a dirt road. 

" Can I ask why we're still hunting animals. " Yoongi said, loosening his grip. I would take this chance to escape, but we're too far from the house and I don't know my way back. I had the same question, though. 

" I have a really large headquarters for my group in this city. A lot of the members live here. I try to convince as many as possible to hunt animals so we don't kill too many humans and cause suspicion. " Namjoon explained. I guess that makes sense. I can acknowledge a logical statement when one is said. The car suddenly stopped. I took in the surroundings from inside the car. We were in the middle of a forest, surrounded by trees. I went to sit up and unlock the door but was pulled back down. The door opened and I was dragged out by Yoongi and Jimin. 

" You know, I can walk on my own. " I complained, wanting them to let me go. 

" I take back what I said. You're extremely bratty. " Namjoon said. I growled when I heard everyone laugh at his words. 

" If they let you go, will you promise to hunt with us? " Jin asked, standing in front of me. 

" Do I have a choice? " I scoffed. 

" Nope. " He said, popping the 'p' at the end. I felt Yoongi and Jimin's grip on me disappear as I sighed in relief. 

" Can we stay together as a whole group? " Hoseok asked, mainly to Namjoon and Jin. Clearly, I don't get a say in anything we're doing. Namjoon and Jin both nodded at the same time as the group made its way out into the forest. 
" How are leaders decided for groups of vampires? " Hoseok asked, sticking to the front. I trudged along at the back, wanting this to be over so I could return to Taehyung. 

" Usually whoever starts it adopts leadership. That role can be taken over though, but that usually involves someone fighting against the leader and winning. " He explained. 

" Which would make me the leader of our little group of six. " Jin said, making hand motions to all of us. 

" But, there's only five of you. " Namjoon said. 

" Well duh, I'm including Taehyung. He's part of our group. " Jin said, flashing me a quick smile. I softly smiled back, happy that someone was including him. The group suddenly stopped and hid behind a large boulder. 

" We found bison! One of those will feed two of us. Pair up and one from each pair will volunteer to kill. Then, you both drink. " Jin said, everyone besides me nodding. Namjoon got paired up with Hoseok, Jin with Yoongi and Jimin with me.  I watched silently as each everyone decided who was killing. I released a heavy sigh. 

" You don't look happy. " Jimin whispered. 

" I'm not. " I stated in response. Jimin gave me a sad look. 

" It's going to be fine. He's going to wake up. Aren't you happy? " He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

" I am. I just want to be there when he does. " I responded. Jimin nodded, seeming to understand what I was saying. 

" I'll kill it. You don't seem to be in the mood. " He said, standing up to join Yoongi and Namjoon. They must be chosen from the other groups. The night went as expected. The three killed three bison and we had a nice meal. I couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung and hoping he was okay at home by himself. 

Blood Lust Affinity (Sequel ) - Taekook/VkookWhere stories live. Discover now