Chapter 18

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**Jungkook's POV**

Several days had passed, everything seeming to be at peace. I only had one concern. It was about the time where Taehyung and I would need to hunt again. I don't know what the best option for this would be. I hadn't brought it up with him yet. We were previously cuddling on the living room couch, but Tae had left to get something from upstairs. I intently kept my eyes on the staircase, waiting for him to return. He made his way down the stairs, immediately taking a place on my lap with one arm wrapped around my shoulders. 

" I drew this picture using the methods that you taught me." He said, holding a piece of paper out for me to look at. I scanned my eyes over the paper, smiling to myself. It was a messy, but still identifiable sketch of our little group. Tae and I were hugging on the left side of the paper with Jimin and Yoongi in a similar stance next to us. Jin was blowing a kiss like he always does in real life with Hoseok jumping excitedly. What made me laugh was where he put Namjoon. Namjoon was on the right side of the paper, his head in the palm of his hand while looking disappointed with all of us. What makes it funny is that I could actually see that happening. 

" It's really good, darling. I'll hang it up somewhere later. " I said, reaching over to put the drawing on the coffee table. He giggled cutely before wrapping his other arm around me as well and snuggling into my side. 
" I have something important to talk to you about, though. " I said, attempting to bring up the subject. 

" What is it? " He asked. 

" You should be feeling slightly hungry right? " I asked, receiving a soft nod against my shoulder. 

" It's not bad so I was ignoring it. " He stated.

" We technically could wait longer, but I wanted to hunt now because you're still new. " I said, waiting to see what his response was. 

" What do you mean by that? " He asked. At least he hasn't totally denied it like last time. 

" I mean that, if you waited, you could lose control and do something that you don't want to do. Your self-control increases with time. " I stated. 

" So, you're saying I could kill someone without trying. " He said. 

" I wasn't going to put it that way, but basically. " I responded. 

" Why can't you just do what you did last time? " He asked. I felt bad because I know how much he doesn't like the idea of killing a living being. 

" That was very difficult, even for me. You remember those bruises right? The main reason I did that was that you were in physical pain. I wasn't about to try and convince you to do something else at that time. " I explained, hoping he would at least try something. I'm not asking him to kill, at least not now. 

" What are the other options? " He asked, seemingly disappointed. 

" There's the obvious one of having you hunt for yourself, but I don't think you're going to like that. The other option is that I could kill it for you and then you just drink from it. You could even look away if you'd like. " I said, hoping he'd agree to at least try. 

" It will be quick, right? " He clarified. 

" Yes. I could go for something big enough to feed both of us so we only have to hunt one. " I said, thinking that could ease his conscience somewhat. I heard him sigh, before nodding. 

" I'll try. " He said, standing up from my lap. 

" We could go now or wait until tomorrow. " I said, standing up as well. 

" I'd rather go now. If I wait I'm going to talk myself out of it. " He stated, throwing some shoes on. I nodded, getting ready to leave as well. It had just gotten fully dark out, so we should have plenty of time. We're going to get bombarded by Namjoon's guards the moment we leave, but I'm hoping to be able to talk them into letting us go alone. Taehyung is going to have a hard enough time with this as it is. Strangers watching probably isn't going to help. Malign hasn't figured out where I am yet anyways. Namjoon has many different headquarters in many different countries. How would they know which one I'm near? 

I stood with Taehyung at the door, making sure we both were ready to leave. I opened the front door, the eyes of the guards snapping towards us. As we walked out, two guards positioned themselves on the side of each of us. 

" Actually, we wanted to go alone. " I said to them, hoping they wouldn't argue too much. 

" Boss gave us specific instructions to send at least two of us with anyone who left these four houses. " The one next to Taehyung said. 

" I know, but we're just going hunting. Surely we could do that alone? " I said, attempting to reason with them. The one on my side sighed before responding. 

" Alright, but please give us your location. " He said. 

" We're going to the forest nearby that we've been going to this whole time. " I said, pointing in the direction of the forest. He nodded, stepping back a bit so we could walk on our own. 

" If you don't come back within an hour, we're going to have to send people looking for you. " He said, returning to where he'd been standing. I nodded, walking off with Taehyung without giving an actual response. 

" I love Namjoon and what he's doing, but damn. " I mumbled as we made our way towards the forest on foot. 

" They're just trying to make sure we're fine. It's nice of them. " Taehyung responded. 

" I don't like social interaction. " I stated, hearing Taehyung laugh. 

" I think you just don't like people in general. " He said. 

" That would be accurate. I like you, though. " I stated, seeing him smile. We soon arrived at the edge of the forest, taking a step in. The fallen pine needles crushed under me with each step. It was completely dark, a cool breeze mixed with the smell of pine flowing through the air. The only sounds of the night were the faint sounds of a mouse scurrying through the leaves and an owl hooting in the distance. It was quite relaxing, actually. 

" How does this work? " Taehyung asked, breaking me from my focus on the relaxing sounds of nature. 

" You walk around quietly until you catch the scent of an animal. You probably can't differentiate the scents yet. " I explained briefly. 

" I know what people smell like. " He said, hopping onto a rather large rock before jumping off. I let a soft smile form on my face. 

" That's a start. " I stated as we continued our venture through the forest. I'm not catching anything yet, which is weird. The animals must not be around here right now. We found an area with a fallen tree, where I finally caught some scents. They aren't really the best animals, but I guess they will have to work. I stopped Taehyung from walking as he looked at me confused. 

" There's a lake up ahead. There are crocodiles in it, but they are too much of a pain in the ass. Otherwise to the right, I smell a raccoon and a bobcat. " I said, pointing my hand in the general direction. They are a little small for my liking. 
" Otherwise, there's a jackal to the left. " I said, also pointing in the area where the scent is coming from. 

" How on earth did you do that? " He asked, confused. 

" I've been doing this for a long time. " I stated. 
"Anyway, I was thinking we go for the jackal. " I said, noticing that Taehyung had stopped paying attention and was now looking somewhere else. 

" Someone is watching us. " He said, staring off in the darkness. 

" What? " I asked, bewildered. 

" No, actually. There are two people. " He stated. How the hell does he know this? I stared in the same direction he was, not seeing anything. 

" People as in vampires? " I asked, still not able to see what he was seeing. 

" No. They're human. I can smell them. " He said. I was now more confused on how he was smelling people that I couldn't. Suddenly, the scent hit me as the sound of footsteps nearing us broke through the air. 

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