Chapter 29

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**Jungkook's POV**

" There's no sign of them in the area. " Namjoon's voice erupted in the chilling silence. Everyone's heads snapped in the direction of the door that he just entered through. He sat down in the corner as we all stared at him.

The only one who didn't was Taehyung, who was playing with the hem of my shirt. He was no longer crying, but you could still tell something was wrong.

" Are you going to explain this to us? " Jin said, being the first to break the awkward atmosphere.

" Malign attacked. Jungkook and Taehyung walked into a pretty brutal murder scene. Twelve of my guards have been killed. " Namjoon stated as Taehyung stiffened beside me. There was a huge moment of silence. No one expected this to happen. Not when we had a plan ready and everything.

" What do we do? " Jimin asked, shaken as well by the news.

" The best option to avoid a war is to continue with Jungkook's plan. I have dorms on the top floor of the HQ dormitory being prepared for everyone. It's on the fortieth floor and heavily guarded. You can't even get into that floor without my personal authorization. " Namjoon explained.

" Why don't we just have a war. " Yoongi spoke up out of nowhere. Everyone's eyes faced his direction.

" It would cause unnecessary blood-shed" Namjoon said. Yoongi shot up off the couch, causing Taehyung to flinch.

" They've caused unnecessary blood-shed. They've been harassing Jungkook like a mob of fangirls for years. They've attempted to kill Taehyung. Now they've killed your own people. How can you still sit here trying to be a pacifist? " Yoongi ranted as Jimin stood up.

" Calm down, please. " I heard him whisper, pulling Yoongi's arm until he was sitting back down.

" Emotionally rushing into battle isn't going to get us anywhere. We need to carefully plan this out and strike when we know we can take them down. Trust me, I want nothing more than to storm them and kill their leader myself. " Namjoon explained.

" Don't you want to get payback? " Yoongi asked, Jimin still trying to calm him.

" Revenge is petty and puts you down to the same level they're at. My group is better than that. " He said. Yoongi sighed, nodding. Namjoon has a point.

" I don't want to be a part of this. " Hoseok spoke, everyone turning towards him. This is the first thing that caught Taehyung's attention.

" What? " He mumbled.

" I-I like all of you. You're all kind. T-this whole Malign problem is bigger than anything I want to be involved in. " Hoseok said. I stared at the ground, a wave of guilt washing over me. Taehyung is losing a friend because of me. Luckily, Namjoon spoke before Taehyung could say anything.

" We can discuss options later. For now, I'd like if you'd do as I said. " Namjoon said. Hoseok nodded.
" Great. I'm going to bring you all to the dorms. Please stay there until further notice. I realize it's going to get boring, but it's for your own protection. I underestimated the situation before. " Namjoon stated. Everyone stood up to follow him.

We walked down a long hallway, connecting to a separate building than the one we were previously in. Everything reminds me of a high end hotel. He took us to an elevator, pressing the highest floor button. The door closed, emitting a soft ding.

" How are you going to guarantee our safety? " Jimin asked as the elevator began to rise.

" This whole building has ten layers of security. The particular floor were going to has even more. Malign has only tried to attack my headquarters once. They couldn't even make it through the front gate. " Namjoon explained.

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