Chapter 20

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**Jungkook's POV**

We had to spend another hour searching for a new animal because we lost the last one. I pulled Taehyung behind a large boulder once I caught the scent of a brown bear nearby. 

" I don't see anything why are we stopping. " BamBam said as I rolled my eyes. I quickly shushed him, dragging both him and Yugyeom behind too. 

" Why are you even following us. " I asked in a low whisper, quite annoyed. 

" You guys are interesting. You don't act like any of the other vampires we've seen. " He responded. I rolled my eyes in response, focusing my attention on Taehyung. The brown bear soon came into view, the two humans mumbling a quiet 'oh.' Tae must have also seen it because he suddenly got nervous. 

" The plan is for me to go kill that bear while you stay here. You can watch if you want, but I don't think you're going to want to. " I said in an almost inaudible voice. 

" It's bigger than you are. Are you sure you're not going to get hurt? " Tae asked me. The knife wound that was on my shoulder had healed while we were walking. 

" Not completely, but it can't kill me so I'll heal. " I said. Taehyung gave me a quick hug before crouching back where he was. I then moved around the rock, hiding behind a plant so I couldn't be seen. I tried to keep my focus on the bear, but I turned around to see BamBam and Yugyeom popping their heads up to watch me. I probably should think of a plan on how I'm going to hunt this thing. Normally I'd just drink until they die, but I need blood there for Taehyung. There is no way I'm going to be able to do this without getting bitten or scratched. I decided that I would just go and see what happens. 

I came out from my hiding spot, immediately being spotted by the bear. I charged forward as it stood on its hind legs, becoming almost double my height. I tried to do this quickly so Taehyung wouldn't have to wait too long, but the bear was making this difficult. I got slashed across the chest by one of its paws, managing to jump on its back. I wrapped my arms around its neck, but not without getting bit in the arm and feeling the bone crack. I quickly snapped the bear's neck, falling to the ground on top of it before rolling off into the mixture of dried leaves and pine. 

I closed my eyes for a second to regain myself, trying to ignore the pain. After a few seconds, I stood up and walked back behind the boulder. Taehyung had his back leaning on the hard rock, holding his hands over his ears. I tapped his arm gently with the hand that wasn't currently broken as he snapped his head towards me. 

" Oh my god. " He said, his widened eyes flicking from my slashed chest to my arm that was currently bending in the wrong direction. 

" I'm fine. " I stated, knowing that he was becoming concerned. I gently grabbed his hand, leading him out from behind the rock, only for him to stop again. 

" Why is it covered in blood? " He asked, trying to get closer to me without fully touching me. 

" That's mine. " I stated. 

" That isn't any better. " He said, frowning slightly. He was very nervous, but he seemed to be handling it semi-okay. I continued to walk with him towards the corpse, letting go of him and dropping to my knees once we were in front of it. Taehyung joined me, staring at the form in front of us with a fearful expression. 

" You're shaking, darling. Please try and calm down. " I said, reaching over to rub his thigh gently. 

" H-how do you do this? " He asked in a low voice.

" Remember what you did to my arm? Just do that but to it instead of me. " He frowned and looked at me before nodding. I leaned down, sinking my fangs into the soft flesh, feeling the semi-warm and thick liquid cascade down my throat. I felt a presence next to my head, meaning Taehyung had managed to do it. I pulled away, wiping my mouth as Taehyung continued to drink. I felt the healing process speed up significantly at the presence of fresh blood. Taehyung pulled away as well. I checked the time on my phone as he walked over to me. 

" Oh shit. " I mumbled, gaining a confused expression. 
" Remember when they said to be back in an hour? Yeah, it's been three. They probably alerted Namjoon and are panicking. " I said, quickly walking and ushering Taehyung to as well. I heard running footsteps behind us, ignoring them. 

" Slow down! " Yugyeom yelled from behind us causing me to quickly turn around. 

" Thanks for gracing us with your unneeded presence, but we have to go. " I stated, before gently grabbing Tae's shoulder. 
" Do you have control over your speed yet? " I asked. 

" Kind of? " He said, not seeming too sure. To be fair, we haven't got in a situation where we'd use it until now. 

" Can you try and follow me? It will get us home quicker. " I asked, receiving an unsure nod. I smiled, turning and running off at an incredibly high speed. I took a quick glance back to make sure he was behind me. He seemed to be doing okay and was keeping up with me. I arrived in the front yard of the duplex, slowing down before coming to a halt. 

I felt a huge weight crash into my back as I tumbled to the grass below me. I groaned in pain, the wounds that weren't completely healed coming in harsh contact with the ground. 

" I'm so sorry. " Taehyung quickly said scurrying off of my back and helping me up. I smiled even though I was still in pain. 

" It's alright. " I said, ruffling his hair in hopes he wouldn't beat himself up over it. It takes a while to control it completely. Suddenly, a wave of guards burst out of Taehyung and I's home. They stopped the moment they saw us. 

" Boss! They're out here! " One yelled. Namjoon soon rushed out, followed by a panicked Jimin. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin soon followed. 

" Taehyung! " Jimin yelled, running over to hug him. Jin walked up to me and smacked me on the side of the head. 

" Where were you?! " He said in a mad, but still very concerned voice. 

" Hunting. " I stated, receiving another smack. 
" Ow! " 

" Jin, it's okay. Let me talk to him. " Namjoon said, moving Jin out of the way. Namjoon seemed calm as always, but I could tell he was worried. 

" My guards told me you asked to go hunting alone. Against the rules, they allowed you. After you didn't return for an hour, they went to go check on you guys. They found a bloody knife in the forest that smelt like you, hurrying back to alert me. We were just about to form a huge search party. Care to explain how this happened? " He asked, in a creepily calm voice. 

" Tae and I were hunting and two human vampire hunters appeared out of nowhere. " I stated. I'm already prepared for any chance of us being able to go somewhere alone to be ripped away. 

" So, I'm assuming they stabbed you and that's where the knife came from? " He asked, trying to get clarification. 

" Yeah. I don't know about the other one, but the one who was fighting me was a damn good fighter. He almost killed me. " I stated as my mind flashed back to the previous events. Taehyung suddenly appeared at my side. 

" It's okay. They just misjudged us as emotionless monsters. They apologized and it's fine now " Taehyung said. 

" Are you sure? I could organize a group to get rid of them. " Namjoon said, tapping away on his phone as we talked. Taehyung smiled and nodded. 

" Yeah. They are my friends now, but I don't think Kookie likes them too much. " He stated. 

" Jungkook doesn't like anyone. " Yoongi said, having overheard our conversation. I rolled my eyes. 

" Okay. If you say everything's fine, I won't take action. However, both of you have to have at least four guards with you now, instead of two. " He said, smiling innocently even though he just gave us a punishment. There goes my freedom. 

" Whatever. Can we go inside now? I need to regain my sanity. " I said. I want to bathe in the luxury of not being in the presence of those two idiots. Namjoon stepped aside with a small nod, allowing us to enter. 

" I'm really glad you're okay. " Hoseok said as we walked by, giving Taehyung a quick hug. With that, Taehyung and I entered the house as I sighed in relief at the peaceful silence. 

Blood Lust Affinity (Sequel ) - Taekook/VkookWhere stories live. Discover now