Chapter 4

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**Jungkook's POV** 

I stared at Taehyung's face, admiring his soft eyelashes and pink lips. I just wish that he would wake up so I could see those lips form into a beautiful smile. I sighed, looking at the clock. We planned to hunt as a group tonight for the first time in years. As much as I hated to leave my baby here by himself, they practically begged me to. I let a single tear roll down my cheek. We were leaving tomorrow night and his body hasn't even accepted the change yet. His wounds are still prominent. If he wasn't so injured, I'd just carry him and say he was sleeping. This month and a half without him have been hell. I never realized how accustomed I had gotten to his presence. He's laying right in front of me, but he isn't truly here. The body that was laying here is just a shell. It's as if the person isn't even inside of it, even though he isn't fully dead. 

" Jungkook, are you ready to go? " Jimin asked, snapping me out of my depressing thoughts. 

" I guess. " I said, standing up. Jimin gave me a soft smile, waving me to follow him. I took one last look at Taehyung, frowning at the sight of his unhealed wounds. I followed Jimin out of the RV to see everyone waiting. 

" I put an alarm system on the RV. If anyone tries to open the door or any windows, we will be alerted immediately. " Yoongi said as we began to walk as a group. I hummed in response, quietly following behind the group. At least we would know if anyone was going after Taehyung. His scent is completely gone to everyone besides me, so it would be hard to find him. However, our scents linger there. If Malign showed up, they would be going after me, not him. 

" I saw a group of bears earlier and smelt a couple leopards if anyone wants to go after something more difficult. " Jin said, walking backward while facing us. 

" I want to go after a leopard. " Yoongi said, walking with his hands in his pockets. 

" Okay. One more person can go hunt leopards with Yoongi. The rest of us will find the bears. " Jin said, waiting for someone to volunteer. 

" I'm not too experienced with this and I don't want to hunt something so fast and strong. I'll go with the bears. " Hoseok said, speeding up to walk by Jin's side. I was ignoring everyone but suddenly got an idea. 

" I'll go with Yoongi. " I spoke up, seeing Yoongi slyly smile at me. 

" Okay, that settles it. We will split up now and meet up back at the RV. " Jin said, walking off into the forest with Hoseok and Jimin. Yoongi and I walked next to each other, listening to the sounds of the forest. 

" You're like me. You like the rush of hunting. That's why you hunt people usually. " Yoongi said, breaking the silence. 

" If I have to eat animals, I might as well go after something that will be a challenge. " I responded. 

" Hey, maybe you can take out your worries on the leopard. It might help you feel less stressed. " He said, trying to cheer me up. 

" Yeah, because I'm the crazy person who finds stress relief in killing an endangered big cat species. " I said, laughing darkly. 

" You and me both. " Yoongi responded. We both followed the scent of leopards that Jin was talking about, finding the first one sleeping in a natural cave made by rocks. Yoongi and I quickly hid behind a rock, watching the sleeping cat from afar. 

" Our clothes are going to be ruined after this. " I joked in a low voice. Yoongi nodded in agreement, a rare smile forming on his face. I always loved hunting with him because our hunting styles are very similar. 

" Do you want to get this one or the next? " Yoongi asked, as the leopard lifted its head, its fur glistening from the moonlight. 

" You go first. " I said, watching the cat stand up and stretch. The area was surrounded by rocks. Yoongi nodded, silently getting closer to the cat. I stayed in my place, watching him hunt the cat. The leopard spotted him as he got close, releasing a growl. Unlike deer, they won't run away. They fight back. He jumped on the cat, grabbing it by its neck and pulling it to the hard ground. I watched as he wrestled the cat, getting clawed up and bitten in the process. They rolled down the small hill, hitting rocks and bushes. Yoongi landed on top of the cat, quickly sinking his fangs into the leopard's neck. The leopard scratched at his abdomen before it's movement ceased. Yoongi walked back over to where I was, his sweatpants torn to shreds along with his shirt which practically wasn't even a shirt anymore. I winced when I saw many bleeding scratch marks all over his body, along with a few deep bites. 

" They will heal pretty quickly. " He said, looking down at himself. He had leaves in his hair along with pine needles. 

" You look like you got hit by a tornado. " I said, watching him roll his eyes. 

" Or got in a fight with a leopard. Come on, let's find you one. " He said. I nodded following him. As we walked, his scratch marks healed. The deep bites will take longer, though. I sighed in relief, feeling slightly better that it would only hurt for a few minutes. I don't know why I've been so afraid of pain lately. I never was like that. We spotted another leopard, wide awake and drinking water from a small pond. 

" Yeah, I get the awake one while you get the tired one that just woke up. " I mumbled, getting nudged in the side by Yoongi. This leopard was longer than I was tall. It was large for its kind, probably being about six foot long. That's not including its tail. It was a little over two feet tall. Yoongi was signaling me to go get it which I complied to. I snuck a little closer, inch by inch. I peeked out from behind the tree, watching it drink. It hasn't noticed me yet, so that's a good thing. Without warning, I leaped out from behind the tree, tackling the animal to the ground. The leopard somehow ended up on top of me, raking its claws down my abdomen. I winced at the stinging pain it brought, throwing the animal off of me. The leopard released a raspy yowl as it hit the ground. I stood up jumping at the animal once again. I got annoyed when the cat scratched at my thighs, tearing my jeans to shreds. I've lost two pairs of clothes in the past two days. The leopard bit harshly into my shoulder, popping the joint out of the socket. I growled, not letting the pain phase me as I tore my fangs into its shoulder as a returned gesture. I felt its bite weaken as I let the red liquid flow into my mouth and down my throat. I practically sucked the animal dry before climbing off its dead carcass. Yoongi came out from his hiding spot, clapping slowly. All of his wounds have healed, leaving him in torn and slightly bloody clothes. 

" That was one good hunt, don't you think? " Yoongi said as we began to head back towards the RV. 

" My shoulder hurts like a bitch. " I grumbled, wincing every time I moved it. 

" It broke your bone. That's going to take like thirty minutes to completely heal. " He stated. I rolled my eyes, already knowing this information. 

" Besides the excruciating pain in my shoulder, I actually enjoyed this hunt. " I said, the RV coming into our field of view. The other three weren't standing outside it, so I assume they were still hunting. We sat on the stairs that lead to the door of the RV, waiting for the rest of the group to return. 

" I'm going to go check on Taehyung. " I said, standing up even though I was still in pain. Most of the scratches had already healed. It was just my broken shoulder. 

" I'll be out here. " He stated. I nodded, wincing as I opened the door. I let it shut behind me, walking over to the bed. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped at the sight. 

" YOONGI! " I screamed, falling to my knees from intense emotion. 


Another cliffhanger :3

How did you guys like the two chapters I updated today? 

I really hope you like them because I'm happy with how this story is going so far. 

What do you think happened to Taehyung? 

I shall be back soon with another chapter :3

I love each an every one of you who read this book and hope you continue to read and enjoy it <3 


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