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a/n: omg A Drop In The Ocean has like 1.2k reads already thats fuckin awesomeeeeeeee

The stutter only lasts like a day more and I'm glad because that's annoying to think that my brain couldn't function enough to have me speak correctly. And-knock on wood- I haven't had a seizure yet so you know, that's awesome. Everything has been quiet with the 5sauce team. Ryan has his own seperate room, so we never see him, and Luke is always so jumpy and out of it. Something weird is happening with us but I can't seem to put my finger on it quite yet.

"This is boring." I sigh, spinning a yo-yo off the side of my chair ehile staring at a black and white movie on the tv. I didn't even know that they still ran these types of movies? Like, weird.

"No, it's not it's cool!" Ashton argues, hid eyes glued to the tv.

"Ashton, there's not even sound. You don't even know what they're saying!" I whine, dramatically throwing my head back in exasperation.

"There's music." he grumbles but changes the channel anyway to real tv. I still play with the yo-yo as Spongebob appears on the screen.  You see, it's either reall old movies or really childish movies, I honestly think Ashton's stuck in the past.

I get up and walk away, and Ashton groans, yelling after me;

"If you were going to leave anyway why did you make me change it?" he pouts, dragging out 'it'. I evilly laugh in my head and walk into the bathroom when my phone rings.

"Hey, mum." I answer, leaning up against the door frame.

"Hi dear" she answers, her voice sounding shaky, but I ignore it and remain hesitant. "Sorry I didn't call back sooner,  I had a lot of errands to run and I was very tired after." something's wrong, that's so unlike her. Before I even have time to think about it, I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head and my body flops to the floor with a hard thud. I black out, but I am pretty sure I was having seizure.

The next time I woke there were three heads hovering over me.

"Woah, someone needs to brush their teeth." I mutter, blinking the blur from my vision.

"He's okay." Michael says smiling and helps me sit up. "You know what happened right?" he says and I nod, suddenly thinking back,

"Wait, where's my phone? I was talking to my mum." I tell them, sesrching the floor for the device.

"I told her you'd call her back." Michael says, handing it to me.

"Did you tell her what happened?" I asked anxiously,  biting my lip.

"No..." he trails off nervously.

"Good." I mumble, not wanting her to worry even more about me. "So, yeah I had a seizure right?" I ask and they nod.

"Your doctor said you don't need to go to the hospital when you have them, just to put something under your head and give you another pill." he says, placing the white tablet in the palm of my hand and a glass of water in the other. I clench my jaw nervously when the glass is placed in my left hand, but don't say anything as I take the pill.

I hope this is only like a once a week thing or else I'm going to be very unhappy.

so some deep shit is going to happen soon I think and I was thinking of starting a new fanfic
idk what it's going to be called yet
it's about australia being over run bye a new leader so they swipe everyone's memory and yeah I can't give too much away or else then you'd know what happens. so shoukd it be Lashton or Malum?or some other ship? Let me know what you think, I dont think I'll start it until one of my other stories is over so yeah.
who wahts to get me Fall Out Boy tickets for August at Red Rocks in Colorado? hehehe
sorry for the long note idk

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