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Ashton suddenly sighs, and walks over to me a couple days later.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?" he asks, sitting in front of me.

"Uh, no?" I say, sliding my mobile in my front pocket.

"Why don't you ever hang around with me anymore? You're always on your phone and it's like you don't even want me anymore." he says sadly.

"I'm sorry, I've been caught up in a lot of things lately." I say truthfully, reaching out for him, but he pulls back. "Ashton?" I croak.

"Caught up in what?" he asks, avoiding eye contact with me. "There's nothing really that you do that the rest of the band doesn't... and when Calum is gone you're gone.." I feel my heart beating wildly in my chest, he's figured it out, I know he has. "Do you have something to do with his kidnappings?" he asks, his head shooting up as he backed away.


"Oh my god.." he whispers, standing up and backing up against the wall, with me following him.

"Ashton, it's not what you think." I say, holding my hands up in defense. 

"How is it not what I think?! You took him! You kidnapped him this time!" he gasps and I take a sharp inhale of breath.

"I did it to protect you!" I shouted finally. 

"You-you wha-"

"They told me if I didn't help them, they would take you too. You'd have ended up just like Calum did." I mumble under my breath.

"You have to get him back, Luke." he whispers, wrapping his arms around my neck. "You have to." he whispers

"I will." I mumble, rubbing his back slowly, looking around and spotting a camera in the corner of the room that Ruby must've installed. I pull away from Ashton and walk over, pulling it out of the wall easily and throwing it on the ground.


When it gets dark, I cuddle with Ashton until he falls asleep, once I hear his even breaths I wiggle out of his grasp easily and sit at the provided desk. I get out lined paper and begin developing a plan. First I sketch out the building, Calum is in the basement where all of the worst prisoners are kept, shit. I label everything, and write out my well thought out plan on the back, basically saying two words.

Wing it.


I shiver, huddling into myself as I try and regain my warmth as a heavy cough escapes my lips. This is the end for me isnt it? I'm going to die bloody down here, and when they find my mangled body, I hope Ruby gets the death sentence. Do they even do that anymore? I hope so.

Suddenly the door is open and a cloud of warm air rushes in before they close.

"Eat up, Hood." they say, tossing a fast food burger at me. I eat it as they lean on the wall across from my cell with they're black hood up, a shadow cascading down to cover their face so I couldn't see who it was.

I finish the burger and let out a small burp causing the mysterious person to lift his head, exposing his lips curved into a smirk.

"You ready to leave?" he asks, twirling the keys around his fingers.



I hope you enjoy and shit

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