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He twirls the key with his fingers and walks over to my cage and unlocks it with quick hands and rushes over to me, unlocking the chains from my cuffed hands and ankles. The heavy metal bracelets were still on my hands and ankles as he hauled me to my feet. My knees were shaky and buckled underneath me so he helped me back to stand steady.

"Let's go." he says quickly. I look around at the other prisoners, guilt building in my chest as we rush passed them, not giving them a second look.

"What about them?" I ask, noticing a particular boy with olive skin, raven black hair and a sleeve of tattoos.

"Police are on their way, maybe, they'll get them." he mutters out.

"What about Ruby?" I whisper as he peaks around the corner to see if anyone is coming.

"I'll handle it." he drags me down the smelly hall ways, avoiding all people until we reach a fairly large window. The man pulls out a hammer and pulls back to swing when I stopped him.

"Wait!" I shout causing him to stop in mid swing.

"What?" he snaps, his hood falling back to reveal his shiny blue eyes and blond hair. "if you haven't noticed Im trying to save your life here!" he yells, his voice echoing off of the metal walls, and suddenly a loud siren and flashing lights go off. Men and women rush around the corner warring loaded weapons as, who I now know is Luke, slashes the window, glass flying everywhere. He jumps out and I'm quick to follow as shots are fired behind us, hitting the ground just where our feet were only seconds before.

"Get in the car!" he makes it to the vehicle before I do and starts it up, driving away as soon as I close my door. He speeds away and we finally get out of there just as the police pull up.

My breathing is short and suddenly I pass out.


"Come to the hospital." Luke breathes on the other end of the phone.

"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask quickly and he groans softly.

"Im fine, it's Calum. He's hurt." I immediately hung up and rushed to the texted location from Luke. When I reached the hospital, I was frantic. My stomach was churning in knots as my eyes scanned the room until I spot the elevator and rush over to it, going to one of the top floors.
"Michael!" Luke waves me over as I exit the elevator. I rush over, looking around for the room Calum could potentially be in.
"Luke." I breathe, "How did you find him?" I pant. He bites his lip before shrugging.
"That doesn't matter right now. He's really bad, Mikey." he tells me grimly. "He's really sick and has a bad head injury." He explains and leads me into what I assume is his room. I immediately pale at the sight in front of me. He's pale, many, many wires and tubes are attached to him, and worst of all, he looked dead. There seemed to be no source of life in his frail body.
I ignore the rest of what Luke is saying and go to his side, taking his hand and rubbing soft circles on the top of it with my thumb.
"I'm so sorry, Calum." I whisper, looking at his pale face with a broken heart. "I should've watched you more, I should've been there, I'm so sorry."

A/n: hey guys yeah sorry for the late update but I was with my dad and this is written up on my phone sorry it's short THANKS FOR 1.1k READS OMG
I hope you enjoy and shit

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