The Life and Times of a typical, hormonal and crazy teenager

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A/N: This is my first story and it needs working on. But I wanted to get some feedback. I'm sorry this part is so long, but I wanted a complete introduction.

So please rate and comment!

---------- Chapter 1 (Paige) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I hitch my back pack higher up my shoulder. Everyone stares. And I have to admit, I kinda like it. I guess they don't realise it's me, little Paige Daniels.

My horribly boring, pencil straight, blond hair is now cascading black locks. I've lost at least five kilos over the holidays, and can wear the most outrageous clothes without worrying about how I look in them. And I think I must have a grown two inches, so that would make me 5"6 now. Perfect.

It's the first day of school and everyone is crowding around the entrance, waiting for their friends to exchange stories. Then I see a familiar face in the crowd. Jack...

I walk up to him, head held high and give him my best seductive smile. He seems a little dazed but he checks me out appreciatively.

Jack looks delicious. He's tall, toned and tanned. He looks like an A-list celebrity. His blond hair flops over his eyes, giving him this dreamy look. And his blue eyes are even prettier than usual...

"Did it hurt?" he asks tentatively and his friends around him all smirk.

"Did what hurt?"

"When you fell from heaven. Did it hurt?"


And I walk off, leaving him staring after me. Heh! That felt so good. As I walk past all my old friends who don't seem to recognise me, memories flood me. I pretend to be nonchalant. But some of the things I remember are so painful, it takes all my concentration to keep that breezy, stand-offish look on my face.

All the guys stare at me, much to the chagrin of their girlfriends. To be fair, they're just probably surprised to see someone who looks so different. But eventually I realise that all the girls are staring at me too...with interested looks. Awkward, much?

Then it hits me. They aren't staring at me. They're staring at Lucas, who's walking a few steps behind me.

I sit down on one of the benches, watching the people around me dreamily.

"So, the blond with the lame pick up line is Jack?"

"How'd you figure that out, Lucas?"

"You mean apart from the fact you were blushing and star struck? Hmm, intuition, I guess?"

"And you STILL don't get sarcasm, do you? Anyway why are you following me?"

"Hey, it's everyone's right to have an education, you know?"

I just glare at him and he smirks back.

Lucas is a good six inches taller than me, at least. He's got spiky, darkish hair, which is sometimes an inky black, and the next day will be a dirty blond (he loves his hair!), gorgeous blue-grey eyes, a body to die for...not that I noticed. I've just been told that. Lucas is brilliant, with an IQ score way above his peers. He even owns his own company! But, I'm not into him at all. He's annoying, arrogant, get the picture.

"Don't look now, but Jack seems to be coming your way."

"He is?! Then leave, you ass! He'll think we're together! GO AWAY!"

Lucas rolls his eyes and walks down the corridor, pretending to read the notices on the notice board. I'm pretty sure he just wants to listen. That asshole!

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