Chapter 7

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>> Rachelle >>

---------- Chapter 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Lucas POV)

I pull up at Paige's house, hoping I could drive her to school. It's half past six, and still pretty dark, but I figured it'd take her about forty minutes to get ready anyway.

I ring the doorbell and it's answered almost immediately by Paige's dad. He's all ready for work, a small computer bag on his shoulder. Hmm, I wonder what he works as?

"Morning, Mr. Daniels. How's Paige?"

"Good morning. She's...behaving odd. But what brings you here so early in the morning?"

"I figured I'd drive her to school."

"She doesn't look so good. I doubt she'll be going to school today. But you're welcome to stay and see."

"Thanks, Mr. Daniels."

I walk past him and head to the stairs.

"Lucas! Guys aren't allowed in Paige's room. You should just wait in the living room. I'm sure her brothers will be down in a minute."

"Right, of course. Sorry."

Mr. Daniels walks out the door and closes it gently behind him, while I settle myself on the couch. Judging from Mr. Daniels tone, he's pretty suspicious of me. Then again, objectively speaking, I haven't made a very good impression, have I?

My first day in school, I get into a fight and get knocked out, only to awaken on the couch in his house. The next day, his daughter goes out to meet Jack, that lying scoundrel! Then Jack calls and says he hasn't seen her. Mr. Daniels has no reason to suspect Jack, he is after all 'the boy next door'. Then a couple of hours later, I ring the doorbell, supporting his 17 year old daughter, who looked like hell.

Wow! I'm surprised he even let me in!

I wait for a few more minutes, sure Mr. Daniels won't turn back to check on me, and then I slowly tip-toe my way up the stairs. Once I'm upstairs, I realise I have no clue which room is Paige's. Crap. All the doors to the room are plain white, no decoration or anything that could show which room belonged to whom. I try the first door to my right and I walk into what must be the master bedroom. Luckily Mr. Daniels isn't home!

I cross my fingers and gently knock on the next door, hoping to figure out who it is from the response.

"I'm awake, dad!!!!!" It sounds like Jasper...but I can't be sure. Either way, I doubt Jasper and Paige share the same room.

Just then one of the doors further down the corridor opens. Feeling unusually panicked, I quickly open the door opposite Jasper's room, head in and close it behind me. I look around me and realise it's the bathroom. Smooth, Niall...real smooth!

The doorknob to the bathroom turns and I quickly hide behind the door, sucking in my breath. Good god! This is bad! How do I explain being up here to Paige's brothers?!

The light comes on and someone steps in. Well, if it's Jasper, I probably could talk my way out of it. But if it's the other brother, he'd definitely get a court order on me!

The person closes the door, but thankfully doesn't see me. That's when I see long, black locks all the way down to the girls back. Unless Paige has a sister, it's my girl! I quickly put my hand around her mouth and she screams out!

Seconds later there's loud pounding on the door.

"Paige?! What happened! Open this door!"

Paige looks back at me, and I give her a pleading look. I release her and sink down to the tiled floor.

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