Just the Start

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Chapter 1

The sound of a door banging shut woke Tamina Snuka up. She immediately wished it hadn't. Her head was pounding, and the simple act of raising it from the pillow made her feel like she was going to throw up. Perfect, she thought sarcastically. An absolute beast of a hangover, at least it was her off day . She shouldn't have gone to Naomi's party yesterday. All she remembered, there had been the party. Lots of fun with family and coworkers, and lots of drinking. And then... It dawned on Tamina that what had woken her was a door being closed. It had to have been the bathroom door. Looking around this wasn't a room at Naomi's or her own. Who the hell had she slept with and where the hell was she? Tamina had been so drunk, actually she still felt drunk, that Tamina couldn't remember. The toilet flushed as Tamina turned over to look in that direction. A moment later the door opened and Trevor "Ricochet" Mann remerged. Now Tamina remembered, vaguely. She been encouraged into dancing by Trin and Lina, and she had reluctantly joined them. The next thing she knew, Trevor had been there dancing with her.

One thing had led another, and Tamina ended up at his place. It all slowly came back to her. They'd had sex, she recalled, but Tamina could remember little about the experience. "Morning," Trevor groaned, making his way slowly over to the bed. "I have the worst hangover," said Tamina. Trevor managed a grin as he perched himself on the side of the bed. "I learned from a friend that, what we need is really greasy, fatty breakfast and lots of coffee." "Ugh," Tamina groaned. "You're not making it sound great," said Tamina. "It's not supposed to sound great, it's supposed to be a hangover cure. Trust me, I learned it from Dean Ambrose." Slowly, gingerly, Tamina sat up, pulling the cover with her. "I've seen him flat out drunk one night then up and annoying someone by morning. So I believe you," said Tamina. She forced herself to move over and sit on the edge of the bed, in preparation for a tortuous walk to the bathroom. He handed her her clothes from the night before." I'll buy you breakfast, so long as we get moving soon. I'm starved." said Trevor "Alright, deal," Tamina agreed, lumbering up to her feet and heading slowly for the bathroom. When she was changed and had put her curly hair up with her bandana she had last night. Tamina looked at herself in the mirror, rough as hell, she thought, looking at the reflection. She would shower at her own house. That could wait for later when the worst of the effects of the alcohol had worn off. He had gotten dressed while she had been in the bathroom. Walking back into the room once more, she said, "I feel shit." "You'll feel better later, now can we leave," said Trevor. Looking at him for a moment, she realized she knew next to nothing about him. What she did know was that he was hot as hell, and he was in NXT.

Twenty minutes later, they were sitting in a rather cheap-looking diner run by what appeared to be a husband and wife team. Trevor had ordered two identical breakfasts with sausages, bacon, hash browns, and eggs, with the strongest coffee available. Tamina eyed the items on her plate with suspicion once the female owner left them to it. It was hardly the most appetizing sight she had ever been presented with. Everything looked greasy, and the bacon and sausages struck her as a little overcooked. He had already started to eat the food on his plate. "It's seriously greasy," she observed. "Exactly. Hangover food. Believe me, you'll feel better after you've had it." said Trevor. For a couple of minutes, they ate in silence. They finished the meal.

"So, I want to know more about you. I know your friends had to drag you to the party," said Trevor. "Why do you guess that" asked Tamina, taking a sip of her coffee. "You don't seem like the party type. But you eventually let loosed and hung out with your friends," said Trevor. "Yea, I don't like being in the public eye. I like it to be me and my daughters. We watch Netflix, we play basketball. We are just being ourselves." said Tamina. "Daughters?" asked Trevor. "Oh, yes I have to daughters, 15and 16. They are my entire world,"said Tamina. She pushed down her jacket and showed him the tattoo on her collarbone. "That's cool I have a son, he is 8" said Trevor. He pointed to the eyes he had tattooed in to his sleeve. "My son is my heart. I have had it tough to get where I am, and to be in the position to take care of him the way he deserves to be treated," said Trevor. "Same here, I worked my ass off so that my kids could have what they needed. I remember I was 22, divorced with two kids. I had money saved and my parents and my kids dad helped us. But I was determined to make my own money. Me and my kids lived in this one bedroom apartment, I worked as a janitor. My kids are just starting school, while I'm going to school as well. We went through the worst but now we are here. But I wouldn't have changed anything that I went through, it made me who I am" said Tamina. "I agree with that. I once wrestled 3 matches in one day just so my son could get new shoes. I went 4 months without seeing him, because I was on tour. Everything that I had to do helped me take care of him"said Trevor.

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