Chapter 4

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4 months later...

It was the Thursday before Summerslam and the time is 4 in the afternoon. Both Trevor and Tamina had title opportunities on the respective brands. Tamina was in the hotel lobby waiting for her friends. Tamina was looking forward to a day with her friends. She couldn't wait to see Trevor tomorrow. They hadn't seen each other for over 2 months with all the tours and media they had going on. Tamina was on her phone when Lina came up to her. "Trin said to give her 5 minutes," said Lina "ugh, she needs to hurry up," said Tamina. She went back on her phone. Suddenly she felt someone picked her up, "I think of you every day," said Trevor "By your side, I promise to stay," said Tamina. He put her down and she kissed him passionately. "God, I missed you," said Tamina. "I missed you too," said Trevor. They kissed again before Trin came down and they left. Trevor checked into his room and took a well-deserved shower and he fell asleep almost instantly.

Tamina's POV

Tamina was with the girls they were walking around the mall. "When will you stop smiling so much Mina," said Trin. "I'm not doing anything," said Tamina. "You've been smiling since you saw that man," said Lina. "I didn't know to be happy to my man was a bad thing," said Tamina. "Can we go eat now, our reservation is for 6:30," said Trin. They left the mall and went to this restaurant near the hotel. The ordered their food and sipped on their drinks. "So, how is your relationship going"asked Trin to Tamina. "You have a weird fascination with my love life, but it is going good," said Tamina. "Bitch, I'm talking about your sex life," said Trin. Tamina scrolled through messages and found what she was looking for. It was a picture of Trevor's back with scratches all over it. "Does that answer your question?" said Tamina. "Ok then, next topic," said Lina. "What are you doing tomorrow," asked Lina. "I have to got to take over for a storyline, but I'm spending tomorrow with my man," said Tamina. They ate dinner and walked back to the hotel. Tamina got to her room, she talked to her daughters for a bit then hopped in the shower. She got out and put on an oversized shirt and shorts. She laid in her bed, she got a text from Trevor.

Trevor: Can you come over I'm bored

Tamina: That would require me knowing your room number

Trevor: 515

Tamina: sure.

Tamina put on sweats and her shoes. Grabbing her phone and room key sees made her way up 2 floors. She was walking down the hall when she saw Aleister at his door with Ember. Trevor opened his door, which was across the hall from Aleister. "I'm just going to steal her for a while," said Trevor as he picked Tamina up and brought her into her room. Trevor had his laptop set up to the tv. They spent the night watching movies and throwing popcorn at each other.

The Next Morning...

"Get up if you want to be productive getup," said Trevor. Tamina slowly sat up, "what if I just wanna lay here all day," said Tamina. "I won't let you. Now your suitcase is here, and I am starving can we go" said Trevor. "Let me go get ready," said Tamina. Tamina went into the shower did what she needed to do and got out wrapping a towel around her she walked into the room. She put on one of Trevor's shirt(that she cut into a crop top), jean shorts, and black jordans. She did light makeup and brushed her hair into a high ponytail. She put in some jewelry and grabbed her bag. She made sure she had everything as Trevor walked back into the room. "Ready," asked Trevor. "Yes, we can go now," said Tamina.

Once they got to a small diner and sat in down. "So I planned a surprise for the day," said Trevor. "I hate surprises," said Tamina. "I know you do," said Trevor. They ate their breakfast before walking back to the hotel. The usual crowd of fans had gathered in front of the hotel. They knew they couldn't walk in together to Tamina went first and Trevor last. Getting to the garage they started the drive they had ahead of them. Tamina talked to her daughters who had just landed. They stopped driving an hour later, they were at Six Flags. Getting into the park, Trevor covered her eyes. "If you ruin my makeup. I will kill you" said Tamina. Uncovering them, she sees her daughters and Cam (Trevor's son). She hugged all of them and they spent the day together.

3 hours later...

Tamina and Trevor were laying in her room. "Thank you for today, it was fun spending the day with my family," said Tamina. "It was nothing, what is important to you is important to me," said Trevor. "I love you," said Tamina. "I love you too," said Trevor. Trevor kissed her, but someone started knocking at the door. "Check your twitter and look at your mentions," said Nia. Tamina sat down and looked at her phone. It was full of a picture of her and Trevor holding hands walking down the street in New York. Tamina's leg started to shake. "I know this look she mad, very mad," said Nia. She left the room as Trevor hugged Tamina. "I love you but I didn't want this to come out like this," said Tamina. On that cue, Stephanie's name popped up on the caller id of Tamina's cell phone. Tamina answered it.

Tamina: Hello

Steph: I know you saw the picture, so we are going to use this to our advantage.

Tamina: How?

Steph: Just wait and see but I need you to confirm this.

Tamina: Done, anything else.

Steph: Nope.

"What happened," asked, Trevor. "Nothing, she said they were going to use this to their advantage and that to confirm it," said Tamina.

Tamina posted a picture of them together with the caption. "We are a team. I got his back and he got mine. Through thick and thin we going through it together" Trevor reposted the picture and laid next to Tamina. He kissed her neck slightly moving down. "You have a busy day tomorrow, you need your energy," said Tamina. "That's why someone invented coffee," said Trevor. He took off her shorts and kissed her stomach. Trevor took off his basketball shorts and slid into Tamina. Eventually, the moans got louder and louder. When they finished, Trevor laid next to her. He wrapped his arm around Tamina tightly and the fell asleep.

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