Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

It was SummerSlam morning, Tamina was in the gym and she had been for almost 2 hours. She was nervous about her match tonight so she decided to sweat it out. She had caught a cab to a gym this morning and here she was. Tamina wrapped up her run on the treadmill. She wiped the sweat running down her face and called an Uber to get back to the hotel. She texted Trevor good morning and took a gym selfie.

She got back to the hotel and took a good shower. She was braiding her hair when there was a knock at her door. She was in a black tank and leggings. She opened the door, it was her daughters. "Mama, your hotels is 10 minutes away from ours. Et, it feels like we didn't see you just yesterday" said Milaneta. Tamina laughed and finished getting dressed. She met up with her mom, brother, sister-in-law, niece, sisters. They went to this breakfast spot not far from the hotel. "So Sarona, where is your boyfriend," asked James(Tamina's Brother). "One, his name is Trevor. Two, he is wherever he wants to be" said Tamina. "I am just asking it just we haven't met him and you guys have been together for what 6 months," said James. "Ia, Afai e tatau ona e iloa. Sa ou fia vaai pe o le a tupu lenei mea ao le i faailoa atu o ia i loʻu aiga," said Tamina. (Well, If you must know. I wanted to see if this would last before introducing him to my family.) "Excuse us, we will be right back," said Tamina. She and James left the table and went outside. "James. Why do you act like this? I get it you love me but you seriously are acting like dad" said Tamina. "I do this because I care about you. Dad would've done the same" said James. "I know he would have, but he would have trusted me," said Tamina. "I do trust you, it's just I don't want this to be another Brandon situation," said James. "I married Brandon at 18. We thought we were in love. We had kids and we grew apart. But trust me when I say that Trevor loves me and I love him. He is here to stay" said Tamina. "You said nearly the same thing when you and Brandon got married without anyone knowing," said James. Tamina laughed, "I was 18. I am 34 and I know what I am doing. He cares about me and the girls." said Tamina. Before James could say anything Tamina heard a familiar voice. "I really do care about her and the girls. They are important to me, next to my son" said Trevor. "What are you doing here," asked Tamina. "Maleata texted me a video of Y'all arguing, and said that it was about me. So I decided to come by" said Trevor. They all walked inside and finished breakfast.

After breakfast, Tamina and Trevor were just laying in her room. She took a picture of them. She captioned it "The Calm Before The Storm". They spent their time just talking and being there for each other.

Later That Day...

Tamina was getting ready for her match. She had picked up her gear and was now getting her makeup done. "Are you nervous?" asked Milaneta. "A little but I got this," said Tamina. After her makeup and hair were done she went and got dressed. She had her black gear re-vamped and she had a new vest. It said Snuka in a graffiti-like font, it had the signatures of her dad, mom, brother, sisters, and her daughters in random areas. Tamina was stretching and going over the match in her head. Eventually, it was 30 minutes away. Tamina sat in the gorilla as she waited. Her match was a triple threat consisting of Naomi, Ember, and herself. Tamina saw Aleister walk up and hug Ember. She stood up and talked to Naomi. Time passed and then her match was in under 10 minutes.

" Trevor if you wanna make out with your girlfriend before her match I suggest you hurry up and get your butt in here, we can't hold up the show because you wanna take forever" Trevor heard Aleister yell followed by Ember and Naomi's laughter when Tamina slapped the back of his head. Trevor laughed as he walked over to where they were. When we got there he saw Tamina laughing with Ember and Naomi while Aleister was holding the back of his head. "Awww, is Tommy's head hurting?" Trevor mocked. Trevor smirked as he wrapped his arms around Tamina. "You ready?" asked Trevor. Tamina put her arms around his neck. "Ready as I've ever been. I'm so excited" said Tamina. "You should be, now go show everybody what I already know. That you're the best on the roster and you deserve to be champion" said Trevor. Tamina's music hit as one of the stagehands told her to go. "Thanks," she said as she gave him a kiss. "I love you," Trevor said as Tamina walked through the curtain.

1...2...3 RING THE BELL! "Here is your winner... and NEW WWE Smackdown Women's Champion...TAMINA SNUKA!

Trevor smiled from ear to ear as the crowd went crazy for Tamina. Tamina took the championship from the referee and held it up in the air as the crowd chanted. "TA-MIN-A! TA-MIN-A! TA-MIN-A!" Trevor heard footsteps running toward him as he turned around to see Nia and Sasha running over. "She did it! Oh my God look at how happy she is" Nia said as a few tears fell down her face. Trevor couldn't even find his voice. He wanted to tell his friends how happy he was but the words weren't coming out. "Look at her, I've never seen her smile so much" Trevor heard Roman Reigns say behind him. "When'd you get here?"Trevor asked. I was behind Sasha, but with all of that bight ass hair in front of me, I can understand why you didn't see me" Roman chuckled as Sasha slapped his arm. Trevor laughed as Naomi and Ember came back from the ring. "You guys did a great job! That was such an awesome match" Nia said as she gave each of them a hug. "Thanks, Nia, it was a lot of fun," Ember said as Naomi nodded in agreement. "Butttt here comes the woman of the hour! Miss Champ herself!" Nia said as Tamina walked back through the curtain. Tamina smiled as Trevor walked over and gave her a hug. "I'm so proud of you," said Trevor as Tamina wrapped her arms around him. "I can't believe it. I'm finally the champion" "You deserve it sis" Naomi said. Tamina daughters and family got backstage and took their turns with hugs and congratulations.

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