Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

2 months later...

Tamina was in her hotel room in Miami. Trevor was calling her, they had hooked up many times over the past two months. They FaceTimed, texted, or talked on the regular. She grabbed her earbuds. She answered the call she was receiving. "Good Morning" said Tamina. "Good Morning Beautiful" said Trevor. "Stop it, what are you doing" asked Tamina. "Laying on my couch what about you" asked Trevor. "About to get breakfast then get on my flight home" said Tamina. "About time I haven't seen you in 2 weeks" said Trevor. "Aww you miss me" said Tamina. "More like I miss the sex" said Trevor. "I can always cut you off" said Tamina "Ok, sorry. I do miss you" said Trevor. "Good. Ok I'll see you in 2 hours" said Tamina.  "Deuces, see you later" said Trevor. Tamina finished packing and met Nia and Naomi in the lobby. They got breakfast then they checked in for their flight. They were in a Chipotle, they weren't really talking. Naomi was texting Jimmy, Nia was texting Braun, and Tamina was texting Trevor.  They heard their flight being called they rushed to the gate and got their in time to board.

2 hours later....

They had just landed and the group was waiting for their bags. Tamina sent a quick text to Trevor.

Tamina: Just landed should be home in 30.

She looked up and saw her bag go past. She quickly grabbed it, she pulled it back and then felt herself fall back. She hadn't hit the floor she fell on someone.  She got up and help the man she had fell on up. "I'm so sorry. I didn't check behind me" said Tamina. "It okay" said the man. Tamina pulled her bag back towards Nia and Naomi. They walked outside, Naomi and Nia stood there texting their spouses. Tamina cleared her throat, "Ladies, I need to get home" said Tamina. She looked at Naomi's car that had been brought to them almost 10 minutes ago. "Fine, we're coming" said Naomi. She got in the car Tamina sat in the back. They drove 15 minutes to Tamina's house. She got her bag and brought it upstairs. She put it in the corner of the room before going back downstairs. The girls had left already so Tamina sat down on her phone. It rang the contact showed 👅Trevor 😏.

Tamina: What's up
Trevor: Open the door.

Tamina got up and let him in. Before she could even say hello. He picked her up and they made their way to her bedroom. "I could've got at least a hello."said Tamina "You can talk later."said Trevor as her kissed down her stomach...

2 hours later...

Tamina and Trevor were laying in her bed. "I'm going to ask a serious question" said Tamina. "Let see if I have an answer" said Trevor. "This crossed my mind earlier. But we have been doing this for 2 almost 3 months. So my question is what are we?"asked Tamina. "You. Are. Mine. Only. Mine" said Trevor. He gave her a hickey on her boob. "Your lucky I wrestle in a full outfit."said Tamina. They got up and went downstairs. "200 bucks, says  I can beat you in a game of one on one."said Trevor. "Get ready to pay me" said Tamina. They went outside and she grabbed a basketball. "First person to 10 wins" said Trevor. They began playing. 

20 minutes later.....

"Where is my money" said Tamina. She had shot a 3 pointer to win. Trevor go his wallet and pulled out 2 hundred dollar bills. "Thank you very much" said Tamina. Trevor picked her up and they kissed passionately.  He put her down and they went back inside this time not making it upstairs they ended up in the guest room.

A/N: I know it's a small chapter but we have a long next chapter

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