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Chapter 7

Tamina was currently at a late breakfast date with Trevor, they had just finished breakfast and were walking around the city. Trevor held Tamina's hand in his, after a while they made their way back to her house. They were laying on the couch watching old WWE matches. "You coming to NXT tonight" asked Trevor. "Nah Milaneta has a volleyball game tonight"said Tamina. "We can spend any other night together" said Trevor. Tamina kissed him, Trevor pulled her into his lap. Just as he was about to kiss her again, her phone rang. It was her daughter school. She answered it and talked for 10 minutes. She ended that call. "My daughters got into a fight" said Tamina. Trevor opted to stay and let Tamina handle her business.

10 minutes later...

She parked her car, and walked into the schools office, she was directed to the principal's office. She saw her daughter sitting there. They looked fine, just a little dirt on their clothes, and hair out of their braids from this morning. On the other hand, the girls next to them, who tamina guess to be sisters, had a black eye forming and a bruise on their cheek. She sat down next to what she thinks is the girls parents. "As I said on the phone. You daughter were involved in a fight today" said the principal. "They should be arrested, my daughters have black eyes and bruises" said the dad. "ʻAʻole wau i hewa no kāu kaikamahine he'ō'ō" said Milaneta.(Not my fault your daughter is a bitch) Tamina glared at her, "Aloha au iāʻoe akā paʻa" said Tamina. (I love you but shut up) "Speak English" whispered the girls dad. Tamina brushed it off because she didn't to end up arrested. "Ok, how did this start"said Tamina. "Milaneta, Maleata will you explain"asked the principal. "Ok, so it was Maleata, myself, and my girlfriend Nae. We are on the east side of campus near the girls gym. We were watch last weeks volleyball game, to see if there was anything to improve on. Nae's phone got knocked out of her hand by Reign and her sister. I ignore it until Nae tells me that she is leaving, i hug her bye. That's when Reign comes up to me and calls me a dyke. That is an offensive term, I call her a bitch, and she swings at me. I swing back and here we are" said Milaneta. "All, I gotta say is a ride for my sister, I wasn't going to just sit there." said Maleata. "Look my daughters have been trained in MMA, for almost 14 years. They wouldn't hurt anyone unless they were provoke." said Tamina. "Ok, let's hurry this up what is the punishment"said Tamina. "Suspension 2 weeks" said the principal. "Done, I will see you in 2 weeks. Girls Lets go" said Tamina. She walked out with her daughters. "Mom, we are sorry" said Milaneta. "No, don't be sorry. I'm not mad, you were insulted by that girl. Your dad may be mad at you but I am not"said Tamina. "Ok, then.What are we doing for the rest of the day" said Maleata. "Wanna catch a movie" asked Tamina. "Sure" said Milaneta.

The End (For Now)

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