Chapter 3: First Date

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Chapter 3

The Next Day....

It was about 5 in the evening . Tamina and Trevor were in the middle of a basketball game. Tamina shot the winning point.  "I lost 400 dollars in 2 days to my girlfriend"said Trevor. "You should learn not to make bets with me" said Tamina. They went in the house, Trevor went for a hug but got blocked. "Don't touch me your sweaty" said Tamina. "So are you" said Trevor. "You are just looking for an excuse for me to come with you"said Tamina. "That might be true" said Trevor. They walked upstairs and went into the shower.

30 minutes later....

Tamina and Trevor were laying in her living room. They were watching old WWE matches. "I grew up watching your dad" said Trevor "So did I" said Tamina. "I'm trying to be serious, I grew up watching him and now I'm dating is daughter" said Trevor "Wow your a lucky guy, I hear his daughter is an amazing person. She is very likable and fun"said Tamina. "Really, well I heard that she has very soft lips and is a good kisser"said Trevor. "Her boyfriend is very lucky" said Tamina. Trevor pulled her into his lap, "I sure am" said Trevor as he kissed Tamina. Tamina laughed into the kiss, she pulled away as her doorbell started ringing. She got up and answer the door it was Nia,Naomi,Jon,and Braun. "Damn, is it randomly pop up at my house day" said Tamina as she let them in. She and Trevor moved to the chair and let them sit on the couch. "I'm hungry, Mina. What do you have to eat" asked Jon "I have a grill and everything for it in my pantry. Whatever you find you can grill it" said Tamina. Trevor got up to help them but kissed Tamina first. "What is that about" asked Nia once the boys left. "Nothing just a kiss from my boyfriend" said Tamina. "Boyfriend?!"said Nia. "Tell the damn world why don't you"said Tamina. "When did that happen"asked N t aomi "Like 2 days ago" said Tamina. "Mina you have no food" said Jon. "Ok, we are going to the store then, do you want anything."said Tamina. "Food and Drinks"said Jon. Tamina grabbed her keys and a jacket. "We will be back"said Nia. They left the house, and drove to the store.

At the store they went to the frozen section and literally brought two packs of everything. Then they went to the alcohol section and got beer for everyone. Nia drove on the way back. Tamina was in the passenger's seat and look at her phone.
Trevor: I think Jon just attempted to scare me. He was like treat her well or we will come after you
Tamina: he just cares about me

"Trin, I hate your husband" said Tamina. "Why"asked Naomi. "He is trying to scare my boyfriend" said Tamina. "He just cares about you" said Naomi. "I understand that but can he not threaten to hunt him down"said Tamina. They pulled up to the house and parked the car. Walking in the house they made the boys unload everything. They walked into the backyard and got 6 chairs. Jon started grilling and Nia beat Trevor in basketball. They were having a good time, they danced. After 2 hours everyone left, Tamina and Trevor were laying in her bed. "Mom, where are you" yelled Milaneta. "There are my daughters" said Tamina. Her daughter already knew about Trevor they had FaceTimed her when they were together. They walked down stairs. Her daughter were in the kitchen. "One, go wash up you guys have been flying all day. Two, be nice say hello to Trevor. Three, Where is you dad" said Tamina. "Hey Trevor, and he is in the bathroom" said Maleata. "Ok good go wash up" said Tamina. The girls walked to their rooms. Brandon(their dad) walked into the living room. Tamina was sitting on her island kissing Trevor. "Can you not make out with him near our kids" said Brandon. "Shut up, and I was kissing him goodbye" said Tamina as they kissed one more time and Trevor left.

Milaneta and Maleata walked back into the room. Tamina fixed them food, "I told you dad would be mad you owe me fifty bucks!"said Maleata. Milaneta reached for her wallet and hande her sister the money. "Stop making bets for more than 20 dollars and speaking of money" said Tamina. She grabbed her own wallet and got money for her daughters. "This is from Trevor I beat him in basketball.... 200 for you and 200 for you" said Tamina. "Stop spoiling them"said Brandon. "Are you going to sit down eat and shut up or argue over my parenting skills" said Tamina. "I've seen you mad before and that I road I choose not to go down today" said Brandon. "Good choice now sit" said Tamina as she sat on her island talking to her daughters.

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